Then those two spend many days in the village and then they get a notification from the school. And it is written in it that the school has opened and everyone should come to school tomorrow. Then Khushi's family members say let's go to the city, then they leave for the city. And then after reaching the city, they go to school the next day and start talking to everyone and say that we enjoyed a lot. Then both of them stayed together for a long time and then the day came when their school hours were over, which means the last day of the day in school.And then as soon as the school exams were over and they stopped meeting each other, gradually they started meeting very rarely. One day they both suddenly plan to go on a trip. Khushi's family goes to the village forever and leaves Khushi in the city because she had to study further and also do a job. And she would share this matter with both of them and then they would go out for a walk.Then one day Enaro keeps searching the place of the other world and he keeps searching for a long time but he does not find it. Then suddenly he gets a message saying help help our world is in danger. And then he tells this to Rohan, then Rohan asks where is this place? Fir enaro starts searching and then today she was far away from his world, it takes 1 year from the time machine for her to go and then Ran said that let's go, we will help her and we can also roam around.Then after some time Khushi also comes and asks Rohan to find some place. Then Rohan says but it will take a lot of time and your family will not let you go. Then Khushi Bikti, don't take tension, now no one will stop me because everyone will go to the village. Went Then Rohan hugs her tightly out of happiness and then all 3 of them leave for that world. Then Khushi asks where are we going then Rohan tells that we were searching. It's been a long time but there was no trace, then Enaro opened his door and he sent a message saying help help then he said let's see.We will also roam around in that pretext Then those people travel for a long time and then they reach that world.As soon as we reached there we saw that everything was scattered and destroyed, then the people there looked different and they were running away from someone. Then those 3 people ask someone what happened, then he says that there has been an attack here, they have been attacked by the devils of some planet. Then that log also starts getting attacked. And somehow those 3 hide and then Khushu asks Rohan what? Now then Rohan asks Enaro to do something, then he takes out a gadget and gives it to him and it was such a gadget that even a person could not tell that he was keeping it in front of him. Then after that they fought for a long time and then when the devils came to know Who are these people and will they destroy our pure army and then they all left from there.Then everyone started shouting at the top of their lungs when they saw those three and started thanking them. Then the mayor of our city shook hands with an Enaro and said, Sir, you are the same people to whom we had sent a message and asked for help.Then Enro says yes, we are the ones.From the beginning the mayor tells the entire city that he is our savior and has come to save us. Then the new adventure 3 starts from there.Then a lot is done for those three, the people of the city make them very happy, then one day those devils come again. And they start attacking, then those three devils start attacking them, then all those devils run away. Then Enaro and both of them asked the mayor why these people are attacking here again and again. Then they start sharing the story that Earlier, there was a very green polynet here, people used to come from far away places to enjoy, then suddenly these devils came and eyes started attacking, that's all I knew. Then they started thinking how to find out further, then Enaro says that now only the devils will tell this and then he tries to contact those devils, still he is not able to. Those people tried for a long time but were not able to get pregnant. What happened that Enaro was not able to get in touch with the devils? Then he started trying again and again, the Enaro system started running very smoothly and then it became more advanced and more advanced. Then suddenly her Enaro body started glowing and she had new lights and her size had also increased a bit. Then Rohan asked what happened. You then Enaro says that all this has happened due to the environment here, my level was gradually upgrading, it took a lot of energy for that and the environment here is many times more than our world.Because of this, my level went up quickly and I have got a lot of power with which I can do anything.Then he makes both of them sit on his shoulders and takes them to the sky and then shows them the view of the sky. They become happy and then for a long time those devils do not come, then those three say that now we are going to our world, like they sit in a time machine, the devils come and start attacking and then those three Then the fight starts with knives and the fight continues for a long time. Again those devils run away but Enaro does not let them go and attacks their aircraft due to which a huge explosion occurs and then Enaro falls down and the aircraft disappears. Then those 3 bikes disappeared, now how can they go a little further, then they find the commander of the devils, injured. Then we start interrogating him and he starts telling that we are looking for a power stone which will always give power to our army and will never let us get tired. Found at this place and then we even tried to give them money but they refused.Then we gave them to the other world too, even if they wanted to accept it, then we started humiliating them.Then as soon as he told this the commander got killed and then after understanding this Enaro and those two then say that it is right, we have come here and we are going to solve this problem. Then they stayed for a long time and nothing happened to them. So much so that Rohan and Khushi also became a power full with the help of Enaro's gadget due to which Rohan became a powerful fire man and Khushi played the role of a powerful girl who had the power of water.And both of them had all this power in a single baselet which was made by Enaro. Then the 3 of them stayed for a long time when there was no noise in the city, then the 3 of them went to Jane and told the mayor that if those devils come then message him from front, otherwise here is a transmitter gadget as soon as you press it Will alert me immediately aa jayega ham log turant chale ayenge Then those 3 went away from there. Then when people like us reach this world, they get busy in life and join jobs to get happiness. And Rohan lives with Enaro, he is also a job seeker, but gradually he also gets a job. Then we enjoyed meeting together at 3 pm and went to our respective homes. Then gradually their age passed and they both turned 30 and Enaro also became of a completely different level. Then he sent us an alert message from the world and he immediately reached there without wasting any time and saw that the devils had attacked him and then those people were there. The fight begins and just as the devils are about to run away, IThe fight begins and just as the devils are about to run away, Enaro His spacecraft would rape them and then catch their boss and ask him what to do with you, then he would leave them in the city. and then that The people of that city imprison him in a special jail from where no one escapes and no one comes, then all happiness and greenery come in that city. And then those 3 VHAs come out of their world. Then when both of them are desperate to get married then a problem arises. And that is that Khushi's family does not agree, then somehow Khushi accepts her family and they agree, then Rohan and Khushi get married. Then both of them get together and Then they go somewhere and suddenly a different portal pulls them into itself and they When the portal opens, we get scared and we see all the animals flying there and the atmosphere was also good. Then they ask where is this place and then they see a helicopter standing there and it takes them down. Then he sees a man in the helicopter and says welcome to the jungle. Then he starts saying that he is not getting any better in the game since last few days.Because there has come a devil who is harming the animals and selling them. Brother, you have to stop him. There is a lot of risk in this work. and a very long adventure Then he throws them down from the helicopter and says good luck. Then both of them fall into the water And as soon as they come out of there, they meet a father who tells them the way to go ahead. Then here and there the age starts increasing. As I grow older, I face one problem after another and face them and move ahead Is Then as they started walking in the jungle, Anwar was attacked by a wild animal and it was a very big and poisonous anaconda. Whose length was 1000 feet and after seeing its use, they went a long way and then started facing it. It was quite late, then they went there.anaconda killed Then they gathered courage and started moving forward and they again got a new problem where there were 4 paths but only one of them was the right path and then they realized that they do not solve the puzzle like enaro.The puzzle goes wrong and they are attacked by arrows and the three of them survive because both of them are wearing a shield.And then as they solve the 3no puzzle they have to face many problems and then suddenly when the puzzle is solved a cave opens up. And then they find a way to go ahead and start growing again. Then you come across a huge lake ahead, which would have taken a week to cover. Then they used their power to bring water to us in 2 days. Then as soon as they reach 3 lakes, a huge octopus appears in the middle and starts attacking. And then 3 start fighting with him and try to make him die but as soon as he dies, he comes back to life.Every time he dies, he comes back to life, then after that Enaro notices that some machine is seen around his neck and then he tells the two to destroy the machine attached to him.Then they started destroying his machine and after it was destroyed the octopus died. Then those people started growing older, then when they leave our world, they again find a wild way, but this way was not like that, it was a magical jug in which as soon as they go, they forget where they came from and where.Have to go, then as those 3 go inside, Rohan and Khushi forget but Enaro does not stop because he was a robot. Then he gives them a shield like this so that they can't forget anything as long as they stay in the shield.And then the three of them start moving forward and as they move forward, they come across a ferocious wolf. And Unpar starts the attack again and then he uses the log. They start fighting and then after beating him they start moving ahead. They continued to move forward like this for a long time and had to go through many problems and then they reached the final stage where they became devils. Then Enaro said to him that he had to leave, then he sent the devil to three places with his magic that they go to a place where they do not understand anything, then Enaro says that This is a different dimension which lives between worlds different from this world and then Enaro spends his power in it and finds no way to get out of it for a long time. Then he finds a path and using it he will have to dig a hole at that place later. Then like this, all three of them together start attacking the same place. Then a big hole is made and all three of them come out. And then they start fighting with those devils and fight with them for a long time and in the end the devils are killed.Then the forest becomes free from Saraf and then suddenly a portal opens there and the three of them go to the same place where they had disappeared and at that very moment Then he comes back and gets busy in life again. Then Rohan and Khushi talk about how much we have fought and we still haven't found time to get it. Then Enaro also says, Rohan, go somewhere for a few days. ho fresh Then both of them go somewhere and then come back after a week. And then Khushi became a mother. Then they become busy in their lives and then Enaro also sees Rohan. Rohan has also changed again Enaro started staying at home, then slowly time passed and Rohan and Khushi had grown older and so had their son, who was 4 years old. Then Enaro's day had also passed and he too remains closed, that's why he stores all the power he has inside him and creates a new robot and attaches it to it and then Enaro's entire body is destroyed. The new robot that we had made started working and when it was switched off, Rohan and Khushi lost their lives.Then after a few days both of them also died. And then their boy got little Enaro Then the younger Enaro started taking care of her and then as the years passed and that heart too had turned 10 years old, then he asked the younger Enaro where he was his mother and father. Then he tells that your parents are very good and beautiful. Then he shows the picture of two of them and says that they are here then Enaro also asked us this. Then we replied that this is my father who is a robot. He was also always with your father and I also wanted to stay with you.Then the boy said that you are always with me, my friend. Then a new story of that boy and that robot and a new life began. and then Then a new story was about to begin between the boy and his robot. And I know the name of that small robot but we don't know the name of the boy and his name was Mohan.and then But he could not study and with the help of a robot, he made a laptop and earned a lot of money from it. At the age of 10, he gradually earned a lot of money and at the age of 12, he started his own business. opened very big bussines and started growing it And in between he had a lot of loss and profit but he never lost the money. And seeing all this, he started working harder and then while working harder, when he turned 15 years old, he opened many businesses and that too in many places. He worked in at least 10 countries around the world. Then I realized that my business has grown a lot and many people are working for it, so that Then he started to relax, all this started from the age of 10 and it took about 30 years and then he started a Then he started eating peacefully, he did not lack even a single thing that was needed, only one thing was required to speak.and he would appear Then everything started happening here and there and then he became worried.Then one day his company suddenly started incurring losses and when he came to know about it, he immediately inquired what was happening in that company. Then we tell you that the head suddenly got a virus.Then it takes only 5 hours to delete the virus and with the final use it takes more time than 5 hours and then we start making profit again. Then this also teaches everyone that if losses start happening then let's fix them, not that we are completely crazy.Okay, everything is fine now, your work is fine then everything starts getting better And here he is about to get married but he doesn't find any girl. And he doesn't like it very much Then somehow it gets bigger and bigger