Mohan met a girl

Mohan had become a very big and rich man and he was a very busy man. It had happened that he did not have enough time to meet anyone else but he used to go out only for 2 hours at night, that too for his little Enaro and those two hours were only for him and he lived his life very openly, those 2 hours. And then one day both of them go out for a walk at night and suddenly his car stops. A girl comes and starts talking to him angrily, then later she leaves from there.Then Mohan could not forget him and started remembering him. Then suddenly he gets a call from his company and he is told that some people had been invited for his interview and they have come. Then Mohan quickly joined his company as if his first customer came for a job. She was the same girl.Then she looked at him and said, "What are you doing here?" You said, "You did not let your head die." Then she started shouting loudly, "Thief, thief." Then the policeman said that he has eaten, he is a thief, then the girl said, he has fallen, the policeman says The thief is the boss of the crazy girl Yevyaja and then Then Mohan gives a smile and asks the policeman to go and tells the girl to sit down, then he says sorry to him and then asks him to leave.He looks at the CV and then says that his name is Nisha and skill is Accountant and middle class only.Then Mohan starts saying sorry again and again and then gives him the job without asking anything and the girl goes away from there. Then after that Nisha calls us from the company and says that sir your interview was successful and you are on the job from yesterday. Then the next day she comes and again the receptionist there takes her to her cabin and tells her to sit, she will tell me when the head will come, then she gets better and then Nisha starts waiting.Then Mohan comes and seeing this everyone stands up, Nisha also stands up and then Mohan goes to Nisha's cabin. And he gives him the identity card of that company and a laptop and tells him that you will have to work only for 5 hours, he says this and goes away with a slight smile. Nisha has got into the habit of doing things slowly and gradually and she is feeling good about it and has also become familiar with it. Then one day Mohan has to go to a very big meeting and he leaves for the meeting, then an accident occurs on the way and there is a traffic jam due to which Mohan has to go. Let's go and then he goes to the meeting after 1 hour and then as soon as he reaches, he sees that the meeting was going well and very good and Nisha was attending it. Seeing this, Mohan became very happy and then Jake joined the meeting and gave good and original bread to everyone about our company, all this happened because of Nisha. Then all the people who came made the deal.Then after meeting Mohan calls Nisha to his office and thanks her and says today all this has happened because of you and I am making you the voice president of this company. And after hearing this, Nisha agrees and says no, leave it alone, I did this for myself and this company, not for my own selfishness, then Mohan says, I am promoting you, then everyone is using the log.Mohan goes to the meeting and sees how Nisha is doing. Then one day Nisha was going home when suddenly she did not find any vehicle then Mohan was passing by and said leave Nisha somewhere then Nisha says no sir I will go. Then Mohan realizes that it is half time after leaving. Nisha starts looking because it was already midnight and it was deserted too. Then she slowly starts moving forward and then suddenly a dog appears in front of her.Then she starts running after him, then Mohan sees her and he starts riding the bike in front of her. Nisha asks him what happened. Nisha starts hugging him tightly, then Mohan sees that there was a dog which he had given to run away after death, then Nisha says sorry and then Mohan says come, I will leave. Fir jate jate Mohan tells Nisha that a daring girl is afraid of a dog, then she starts laughing, then as soon as a stranger comes to her house, she angrily says stop the bike then Mohan stops it.Then he says that Nisha is sorry that he has come here then Nisha says that sir you go, I will leave from there.Then Mohan apologizes to him many times and then leaves the place feeling defeated. Then the next day I saw that Mohan had not come to the company, then she did her work and went home from there. Then she came for 3 days and Mohan had not come to Delhi. She said, sir, where is he gay? Then after 1 week, I am gay but Mohan is not coming to the company, then she asks one of the reception that sir is not visible today, to which she says sir's notice has come that till 1 months, you have to take care of everything. Then Nisha asks why sir?Then she read that Sir's health is very bad and he is not able to skate and hence the doctor has asked him to put him to bed. Then Nisha listens to this and starts thinking in her mind that she has done something bad to me that day and has not done anything, then she goes to her cabin and starts crying. Then after leaving in the evening, she goes to Sir's house. She didn't know but still she went asking and reached there. She is an AG and looks at their house. An old model looks deeply.And she thought that why are they so bad yet they live in such a small house as they are, it seems to be a very big house and there were rooms in it which had very old things and the marks of their parents.Then she starts shaking her head and like she is shaking her head in any room, then Nisha hears the voice saying 'Please water', then she moves towards that voice and sees that Mohan has fallen from the bed.was and Then Nisha comes to his side and lifts him from the niche to make him lie on the bed and makes him drink water and then Mohan becomes unconscious. Then after some time, when Mohan comes to his senses, he sees that Nisha is sitting there and then Mohan says Nisha, what are you doing? Then Nisha cries and says, "Sir, sorry, all this happened because of me, I felt so sad that day."Then Mohan says no, Nisha is not done for that day, so I will tell you a little more, Kam Akari has come back for 1 week due to weakness and after that I will come back for the company.

Then Nisha asked him, "No one is visible in your house, even if you are such a big man, there is no one in the house, then why don't you fight, I live alone and I have no one in this world." Then Nisha says, "Small." After leaving, she then says, Sir, as long as you want. Relax, leave the company's worries to me. Then Nisha started walking like that, it's been 2 weeks and then Mohan is feeling fine and Adam is like before.When Jaise Ho comes to the company, everyone starts teasing him and welcomes him with flowers and he asks why all this. Then the people there say that Sir, after so many months, you are the only person who has become good for this. Then he looks in this direction, Nisha is not seen, then he thanks everyone and goes to his cabin.Then as he goes to his cabin, it starts raining flowers on him, then on the other side Nisha gives him a rose-like flower and hugs him, saying that she loves him and then she goes on her work

Then Mohan starts wondering what is happening then?