The Unwritten, Rewritten history of New Earth.

Chima snapped out of it and responded, "Per..mission....Granted?"

A large screen appeared immediately and on it were two columns. On one side was 'Replay' and underneath it an arrow pointing to the left. On the other side was 'Join the Abyssal Dome' underneath it was an arrow too pointing to the right. Chima looked where the arrow pointed and saw as the dark glassy glass opened from her view and saw a merry city full of lights and merry people. That would have been something she would have loved to join but she was instantly repulsed by it.

Still a strong but small voice was telling her to choose that option.

A memory was suddenly forced into her head. A memory of a girl with her body hiding from the thing in level 15. As she hid and thought she was safe. The thing far but directly behind her shot her a red arrow. It went through the many gadgets between them and pierced her head deeply before disappearing, blood drooled from the hole on the girl's head as it was apparent that she had died.

But it was obvious the thing thought it had missed. And continued searching for her.

The view of the girl dead stayed and soon her eyes blinked again with a new light.

Chima blinked as many other memories of her host's body entered her mind forcefully.

As the situation was, her former host's name was Kiran and she had been playing this game, dying then restarting over and over again for a long time.

From the host's memories, Chima could see how different this was world was from hers and how that had happened.

The Unwritten and Rewritten history of New Earth.

Some years ago on September 24 2024, a teleporter portal appeared in Winston Court in the midst of a hijack that was being operated by The Snake Skulls, a small loan shark company.

Extra terrestrials whom called themselves Repilis came through the portals with technology beyond anything the human mind can comprehend. They came like thieves, as the Bible would say to steal and to destroy.

They turned the entire earth land into a waste land, our weapons were rendered useless by theirs. They took our land, established their race here and made us slaves.

It wasn't long before a spatial game arena was created.

You were given a choice when participating in the game: Leave Now or Participate.

If you chosed to leave, you'd have to work for the Repilis and most of the humans choose to play.

Well once you picked to participate, the only way to get out of the game was passing all of the levels. You'd be instantly transported to a white room along with other players lying on the bare floor wearing an all black uniform with a flat black transparent glass band round your left wrist. The band would show the owner all their stats, their body level, their game level, their race, at what progress they were going and so on.

At the beginning, all of the player's body and game level would be at lvl 1. And all of their races would be Low lvl Human.

But as each of them progressed in the game, depending on what level layer you picked.

The game consisted of 30 levels, each level had 4 layers of difficulty: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th.

The 1st layer was relatively easy but you'd had to play it three times before moving on to the next level. The 2nd, you'd only had to play once before being allowed to move to the next level but the difficulty would have gone higher and so were the chances of death, the third was even harder and playing it just once would not only gather you enough exp to move on to the next level but the next 2 levels.

The 4th, usually called death zone was a no-go area. Since the spatial game was made, only two players had chosen the 4th layer. One was confirmed permanently dead and the other was still lost in the level yet to be found.

Every level contained vast amount of high quality gears, weapons and armours to be found or fought for. Along with body building vials and serums. In the levels there were beasts of ascending tiers. They could either be killed for their crystals to make gears or could be tamed to aid combat, although that was rare.

All these depended wholly on the layers you choose. The 1st layer contained only low level beasts, gears and vials and serums, so it was only a favourite choice for low level players, the 2nd was better than the 1st and was chosen by most high level players. The 3rd was chosen only by the elite level players, which Kiran was on her way to before getting killed permanently and getting possessed by of all people Chima.

Once you died in any level, you were restarted. It was really a frustrating ordeal to struggle through several levels and to just die then start all over again.

So to 'help' the players, the Creators of the game created the Abyssal Dome. A place where all lost desires, simple pleasures and false relaxation was felt. A place where you partied all day and night.

It was addressed by the players as Coward's Haven. But as they say nothing is free even in Freeland. Being there sucked your soul essence, a fact which the inhabitants of Abyssal Dome had at the back of their heads. If a player chose to give up and went into Abyssal Dome, they had the choice to play again. But the air in Abyssal Dome was polluted by a mind corrupting excitant making their mind drowsy and making it impossible for even the thought of playing again possible. They would become mindless beings with only the though of pleasure on their minds. They would become whom the saying was talking about, 'Cage them, provide them with food and pleasures and they would fear freedom'. They would become the creators play things.

But the only way a person could die permanently was if a guardian of a level shot at you with a red arrow. Players avoided those like the plague. Each guardian had a total of seven arrows each.

Players could die temporarily by being eliminated by another player or by any other thing that caused death.

Each guardian of a level were at the same level of power but it's level could decrease or increase according to the layer a player picked.

Those whom played, played from a reason. The reward at the end of the game was very appetising. The usuals, power, both physically and politically over the Repilis and a seat at the high table of the creators.

So every player strived to arrive at the level 20, said to be the 'road to salvation'.

The creators were a mysterious set of people, the only thing to know about them was that they were superior to the Repilis' and could grant the humans 'salvation'.