Academy Days III: Entrance Ceremony

25th February 2028


Academy Building, New Eden

Sohel and Jacob run to the main gate of the building and start huffing.

"Looks like we were able to reach here in time." Says Jacob.

Sohel replies while still trying to catch his breath, "Huff...Huff...Yeah looks like it."

Jacob looks at Sohel and taunts him, "Man you surely don't have much stamina, do you? Why are you huffing after running this little path?" 

Sohel looks back at Jacob with irritation and says, "We wouldn't have to run if a certain someone didn't sleep like a log."

Jacob awkwardly laughs, "I'm sorry ok? Besides, you were sleeping too."

"Well, I traveled here last night."

Suddenly a strict heavy voice calls out to them, "You two there. What are you doing? The ceremony will start now. GO!"

They answer in sync, "Yes sir." and run inside.

They pass through a lobby and enter the lift. Jacob seemed to know where the conference hall was. They got off the lift on the 52nd floor. The whole floor was a giant hall. The floor was covered in red carpet. There were huge glass windows on both sides of the room. In front was a big stage. The stage only had a Lectern with the SNA logo on it. On two sides there were two long tables with different types of food on them. Sohel was looking at all these and was admiring it. He looked to his right to say something to Jacob but he found himself alone. He looked around searching for Jacob. He sees Jacob close to a table with a plate in his hand, picking up food. Sohel smacks his head and walks to Jacob. 

"What do you think you're doing?"

Jacob says while eating, "What?…..I…..didn't...…had...… "

"I know. But couldn't you have waited a little? At least until the ceremony was over."

"HUH? Why?"

Before Sohel could say anything else they were stopped by the screeching of a mic. Both of them looked towards the stage and saw a few people on the stage. All of them were wearing military ceremonial uniforms with badges that resembled those of a major. Among them, one of them was standing on the podium while others were standing behind in a line. The man standing on the podium started talking,

"Welcome recruits to the Academy of the Seven Nation Army. We are your TO's. We hope for a productive 3 years with you. Now the representative of Bangladesh in the Council of Generals and the Chief TO of SNA Academy Major General Overlord will give you a few words of his wisdom." The man moves back and General Overlord enters the Stage and goes straight to the podium. Seeing his Uncle Rahat enter the stage after hearing a formal introduction of Gen. Ahmed Sohel's jaw drops. Unconsciously the word comes out of his mouth, "UNCLE RAHAT?" Jacob sharply turns his head towards Sohel, "Uncle Rahat? Who's that?"

Sohel points at the stage and says, "That man on stage. He's my father's best friend. I call him Uncle Rahat. But I don't understand. He never said anything about being an Overlord or something."

Jacob starts laughing upon hearing this. Gen. Ahmed notices them and taps on the mic to get their attention back on the stage. He starts talking,

"As all of you know 17 years ago the greed of the people on top started World War III 14 years after that Seven pacifist countries created an alliance and ended the war. But did we do it? Is the war over? No. It is not. All these countries are just waiting. For the day when we won't be the strongest anymore. That day, they will be back at it again. So...What can we do? What we can do is what we were brought together to do. Keep our eyes on them. Teach them humanity through our work. We will show them that what they are trying to do is nothing but barbarism. In your work, you have to be brutal but don't let that brutality take over you. Hold on to your humanity. Remember one thing, 'It's scary to take a life but it's scarier to get used to it.' Keep that line in your mind and train. You have to become the strongest. You are the savior of the people." The general gets down off the podium and leaves. The major from before gets back on the podium and says, "I'll now discuss the course. It will be a three-year course starting 1st March. In your 1st year, you will do normal classes and training. After your 1st year's completion, you'll be placed into specialized classes depending on your specialty. Normal specialized classes are differentiated between 6 classes. These are Assault, espionage, Demolition, Engineer, Medic and Pilot. If you are good enough, you'll be given special training and be turned into a specialist. Specialists work in squads of 5. The squad leader has to choose 4 other specialists from the 6 classes. They also receive many other perks, such as a squad house in the housing district and a VTOL (Vertical Take-off and Landing) Jet to serve as their mobile base, etc. With this, the explanations are over. Those of you who still don't have your uniform can get one made from the shopping district. Enjoy the food and interact with our classmates."

The man steps off and all of them disappear behind the stage. Jacob goes back to eating. Sohel remembers Naomi and searches for her. But he doesn't find her anywhere. Disappointed, Sohel goes back to Jacob and takes a plate.

06th March 2031


Bravo Squad House, New Eden

Annabelle says, "I see Jacob hasn't changed at all. I wondered if he was different before I joined you guys but I see he was still as carefree as ever"

All of them start laughing together. Jacob says, "Food always comes first. But more than that I wish you guys were there to see Sohel's face when he found out his 'Uncle Rahat was the Chief TO of SNA Academy. It was really funny."

Gen Ahmed says, "I forgot to mention it to him the other day. But I guess it was worth it seeing Sohel freak out."

Sohel says, "oh shut it, Oldman."

Mitali asks Naomi, "Anyways, Where were you?"

Naomi answers, "I wasn't interested in gatherings like this at that time. And I was also getting many weird looks. So, I left the moment the Major's speech ended."

Sohel says, "OK. Enough discussions. I'm going to tell the story."