Academy Days IV: Specialist

Sohel starts talking, "Eventually the classes started and a year passed. Me and Jacob became roommates to best buds. Uncle Rahat would sometimes sneak into our room at night to let off steam. Life at the academy was plain but fun. I was with Naomi in a few different classes. I tried to approach her multiple times but she was still as cold as ice back then. If I remember correctly I hadn't seen her talk to anyone else other than the TO's."

Mitali asks Naomi, "What about your roommate? You wouldn't even talk with her?"

Naomi replies, "Back then the only thing that was in my mind was training and getting better. Making friends, and having fun, these things didn't mean much to me. Also, I had no roommate."

Annabelle shriveled, "That's a little too cold. But what happened after that?"

Sohel continued, "After the 1st year's promotion exam in February 2029 I was given the title of a specialist. I was the 1st rookie to earn that title in his 1st year ever. I still don't know why I was made a specialist."

Jacob interferes, "What do you mean you don't know? Everyone in the academy knows what you can do. Still, you are saying you don't know why you were made a specialist? I don't know if that's you being humble or arrogant."

Gen. Ahmed says, "Let me tell you why he was made a specialist at the end of 1st year.

I knew Sohel had a good eye and hands. When he was younger his father, him and I would occasionally go hunting. At that time watching him we could tell that if he joined the military he would be a good marksman. That was the reason I recruited him when I heard he had joined the military. I was sure he would be a good marksman. He proved me correct. At his marksman training, he started breaking records from the get-go. He just wouldn't miss a shot. But he convinced everyone that he was a specialist material when at his promotion exam, he shot a moving target 150 meters away with a standard issue Beretta 92 pistol. That pistol has a range of 80-100 meters. That was mind-blowing. But not only that he also was good with making strategies. We had created a few scenarios that were almost impossible to solve. He solved 3 out of the 5 scenarios we gave him. But the thing that made him most unique was his ability to blend in and just disappear. He could make himself one with his environment. In the stealth exams somehow he wouldn't even be detected by our IR motion sensors. Because of this, it was difficult for us to put him in just one class. He had been chosen simultaneously for both Assault and Espionage classes. So we decided to make him a specialist and put him in that class."

As he finishes talking he notices Mitali and Annabelle looking at Sohel with awe.

Sohel says, "With that I joined the specialist class. A few months later Jacob joined me as a specialist from the Demolitions class. And towards the end of the year, Naomi joined us from the espionage class. In December 2029 I met Annabelle."

27th December 2029


Academy Building, New Eden

Sohel and Jacob got out of the lift at the topmost 65th floor. They got out in a corridor. The corridor had only one door in front and beside the door, there was a table and a chair. A man in his early 30s wearing a sergeant's uniform was sitting in that chair. Sohel approached the man and said that the Overlord had summoned them. The man picked up a phone from the table and called someone. After getting confirmation he gestured to the two of them to go through the door. Sohel and Jacob opened the door and went inside. They were in a huge room. The room was full with file cabinets on both sides. In front, Gen. Ahmed was sitting in a swivel chair behind a long secretariat table. Behind him was a huge screen showing the Revolving logo of the SNA. Gen. Ahmed told them to sit down. After asking Sohel how his training was he got to the point.

He said, ", The main reason I called you two here today was because I want to send you two somewhere. You will go to London to recruit someone."

Sohel asked, "Why us? Isn't that the officer's job? Do we have the authority to do that?"

Gen. Ahmed waved his hands and said, "Woah, Woah, calm down boy. I'm giving you two exclusive permission to leave New Eden so you can bring her. We have to do it as it's the order of his highness."

Jacob exclaims, "HUH!! His highness!! Who is this 'her' that you're telling us to bring sir?"

Gen Ahmed says, "Now listen to what I'm going to say to you calmly. Don't panic and listen to me. You're going to recruit the 2nd princess of the British royal family Annabelle Josephina Watson."

Jacob freaks out hearing this, "WHAT!! Wait wait wait, What do you mean 2nd princess? Royal family? HUH!!"

Gen. Ahmed says, "That's why I told you to stay calm."

He looks at Sohel and sees him thinking about something. "What do you say, boy? Up for the task?"

Sohel replies, "I am, but 1st I need some answers. 1st of all, why would you want a member of the royal family here? 2nd, Why do we have to go specifically?"

"As for why I want her, it's because she's a genius. You'll know when you meet her. Even though she has a little tricky personality. And why I'm sending you, It's because when you create your squad I want her to be a part of your squad. I think you might be able to make the most use of her skills. "

Jacob freaks out again, "WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?? Sohel is going to become a squad leader?"

Gen Ahmed replies, "Yes. He has what it takes to be a leader." He looks back at Sohel, "So, What do you say?"

Sohel gets up and says, "Let's go, Jacob. Let's meet this princess."