Chapter 7

As soon as Aghar's studs are taken out, they are brought to the army, the army officers make everyone sit inside the camp and tell their parents about their children.

The army men inquire from all the students, when the army people came to know that the building is empty, they immediately have an army unit inside.

In no time, he takes possession of that building.

Aghar reaches another building and hides and sits with the rest of the students. In the camp outside, the parents of the children come to meet them.

Aghar and Anu's parents also reach there after seeing the news on TV.

Due to the danger there, he is first sent to his house, but again a lot of clashes gather near the camp, so after talking to the students, he is sent home.

The rest of the accumulated crowd is pacified.

The first building which is in the possession of the army, they keep an eye on the second building with the help of snipers on the roof.

When the terrorist comes to know about all this, he again talks to the terrorist leader Rehman army and asks them to withdraw the army, then the army officer clearly denies Rehman that we will not do this, Rehman replies saying It is okay if you do not follow the army, then we are going to gift you some corpses, please accept them.

Army officers say that we did not attack you, do not do this at all.

Rehman asks his 6 arrested terrorists who were Rahman's partners and asks about the gold when he will get it, then the army officer says that soon. Rehman says to the officer, you have only till tomorrow evening.

The officer says that it is fine but nothing should happen to the students. Rehman says that it is fine.