Chapter 8

After talking to both Rehman and the army officer, the army officer holds a meeting with all his senior officers.

During the meeting, video clips of 6 terrorists are shown that how they have involved in many crimes ranging from bomb ballast, drug business, kidnapping children and girls, all this is shown, then in the meeting I vote that we should be terrorists.

You should leave or not.

Almost everyone's answer is no in voting, but some votes are also on leaving the terrorist because the life of the students was in danger.

When it is decided to leave the terrorist without putting the lives of the students in danger, the others and Rehman increase their security.

Rehman keeps an eye on the army with a drone.

Aghar was too late to find Anu but she could not find him anywhere.

Then a boy named Ayush meets Aghar, Ayush says to Aghar that where everyone is scared, but looking at you, it seems that you are annoying someone, then I tell him about Anu, he says that I have a girl.

Had seen him down from the window, some terrorists were dragging him to the next building.

On hearing J, Aghar gets thinking that how will he go to that building now.

After about 4 to 5 hours, the 6 Bandhi and Buri van from Gould reach the army people.

Then once again it is the matter of army and Rehman, the officer tells Rehman that I am ready to leave both the vans if you give me the studios, then Rehman says that it is okay, I will have 25 students with you.

That I want all, but Rahman does not believe in this at all, he says that you will get only half the studios.

The officer talks to his Tim and after a lot of thinking he first thinks that he should not bet the terrorist but then he tells Rehman that after 1 hour you leave the studios and I want Vans to be yours and Bejuga Rehman He agrees.

Then Rehman himself comes to another building and divides the studios into two parts, then the part where he was agar Rehman asks to leave that part after 1 hour and then leaves from there.

But Aghar did not want to go out, so he makes Ayush sit in his place.

Ayush tells Aghar that why are you doing this, because I have not got my destination yet, when you will go outside, the security will be less and I will go towards the third building.

Then after 1 hour they take away half the studios, both exchange them with the army men, but the terrorist finds a van that only had balls.

Rehman scoffs at the officer. The officer says that I have not given any fault, as I told you that I will give you the things you asked in the van, I did the same, you left half the studs and gave you gold if you want that I If I leave the Terrorist, you will have to leave the rest of the studios.

Rehman gets very angry and cuts the call. Amidst all this, Aghar gets a chance to escape and he leaves for the third building.