Chapter 10

A lot of soldiers die, the roads get closed.

Only 2 minutes were left for the time bomb blast.

The officer had given up, he told his team that we lost a lot of soldiers, we can not let them run away and how they go to save the students but due to less time they can not reach there and There is a blast in the third building.

But Aghar kills the terrorist present there and removes those children when the officer asks them how you all came out, then the studios say that there was a boy, the officer asks, he is called studious, he has gone after the terrorist, then the officer It is said that he made a big mistake because the officer would put a red alert in all the areas near the downpour and order to shoot anyone looking outside.

Aghar takes the watch and lies behind them and makes the watch stand in front of them.

As soon as Rehman comes out, bullets start firing at him but nothing happens to him.

Rehman says that he seems to be the one who killed our people, he starts driving the clocks back but when the road is closed, then they all come out, attack him with drones, but still Aghar keeps on moving forward.

He uses his fiery power and sets fire all around, he kills the prisoners who are released from the jail.

The flames were spreading all around, the sky was covered with dark clouds, Aghar takes Anu out of the gorge and both of them hug when Rehman gets up and grabs the sniper and instead of targeting Aghar, he shoots Anu with two bullets does Anu dies in her hands.

Aghar breaks from inside, some terrorists are coming towards Aghar with a gun, he shouts loudly and only then lightning falls from the sky, he destroys everything except all the innocent people in the valleys near Aghar.

And after going a little further, lightning falls on the agar and it goes between the clouds, after a while the army comes there and rescues the remaining children and takes away the dead body as well.

The officer hands over Anu's corpse to his family members.

Aghar's parents also ask the officer about Aghar, but they do not know anything about Aghar, so they get very sad and start crying.