Chapter 11

After killing the terrorist, lightning strikes Aghar, due to which he falls directly from the sky into a factory, that factory was closed for many years, Aghar lay unconscious there for two days.

Then there some people from a secret agency of America come with lethal weapons and as soon as Aghar wakes up, they make him unconscious, catch him and lock him in a special kind of prison at a secret place, it surrounds the prison.

And there was a stronger shell than bullet proof which was impossible to break, it was a prison made of high technology.

After Aghar regains consciousness, there comes a scientist whose name was Jane.

Jane asks Aghar for his name and then tells him about herself.

She tells him that we have put you here only to answer some questions, we keep an eye on such things in every corner of the world so that We can be in danger and also on those things which are new to the human race.

Aghar says where is Anu, who is Anu, then Aghar remembers that she died in my hands.

Then Edwin comes there, Edwin was the boss of all the agents, Edwin tells Jane that Aghar is only a human being, but something is wrong with his body, our team is not able to fix it, then Jane She says why shouldn't we ask this one.

Then Jane and Edwin ask Aghar to tell us the truth about himself.

Aghar says I will tell you everything but then you guys will let me go, Edwin says you will leave but not now you tell us who you are where you were born.

Whatever Aghar knew about his birth And when he tells everything that happens to him, then Jane comes to know about Anu.

Only then a portal opens there from which a boy and two girls come out.