Chapter 17

Next day no one is able to make armor and it is evening.

At night Aghar is sitting alone and Junifer brings food for him but Aghar says that he does not feel like eating.

Junifer says when Morcius attacked our planets, there was only devastation all around.

My father sacrificed his life to save me and my mother.

My mother used to teach me as a child to use some of my power for a while every day.

I wasn't even used to sleeping without my mother, but I didn't even want to sleep that day when Morcius attacks.

I was very scared, but mother had probably seen those demons coming, she somehow put me to sleep even in the atmosphere of fear and opened the portal and bequeathed me to Queen Cyra.

Due to that loud voice, my eyes were opened and I saw that they have taken my mother prisoner, I cried a lot at that time.

Then something happened which I didn't even expect.

Cyra gave almost all her powers to me and took Lily and Ekansh and ran away from Morcius to go to Earth to Lord Cyrus.

Many close to Lily and Ekansh are also killed and taken prisoner, Ekansh has the power of King Toras and Lily has the power of Queen Ivo.

As soon as the three of us gathered, Morcius came there and along with Juniper is about to take away the powers from Lily and Ekansh, then there both Queen and King Torus protect us and themselves become their captives.

Since then we are running away with just a space ship.

Junifer says aghar, all three of us became each other's support and after a month we opened the portal and reached the earth with the powers given by Cyra.

Junifer says that Lord Cyrus has created a shield outside Earth's solar system which is like a bubble, Morcius will take a long time to find Earth and by then we will be ready to kill him.