Chapter 18

Aghar eats food after talking to Junifer and then goes to sleep.

The next day everyone tries to make a shield with their own power but no one is able to do it.

Then Aghar concentrates his full attention and prepares the armor from his locket, he shows it by making the armor first. After this, the protector tells Aghar that now you have to concentrate on your real powers, from now on your training will be even more difficult.

The protector first tries to bring out the power of Aghar's fire.

In a few days, Junifer also makes armor and now she has started trying to breathe inside the armor with the power of Saira.

Aghar's power was not coming out, so the protector started giving him more difficult challenges so that Aghar's inner anger would come out and he would learn to control it.

After about a week, the protector tells Aghar that this is how you will protect your friends, your mother, until you identify yourself, you are of no use.

The protector says that earlier you saw Anu dying in front of your eyes, but when that demon will come, you will see devastation, your parents who raised you will die, your friends who supported you in the war will die and you will not be able to do anything.

On hearing this, Aghar gets angry and says that I will never let this happen and he takes out his power of fire and spreads flames all around.

Now the protector asks Aghar to extinguish this fire and Aghar does the same, the keeper again asks to light the fire and asks him to do so again and again.

After many hours, when Aghar gets very tired but still does not give up, the protector tells Aghar to rest.

Junifer goes to Aghar's room and says that you have done a very good job, she has actually fallen in love with you and both of them start laughing.

Aghar says but this much will not work, I will have to work harder.

Junifer says I didn't want to put you all in this trouble, but even if I didn't come to you for help, that bastard would have found the earth sooner or later and attacked.

Aghar tells Junifer that you have done a great job by coming here, if you did not tell us about that Morcius, he would have attacked us suddenly and we would not have been able to do anything, but now we will tell him what we can do together.