Chapter 19

The next day Aghar starts making weapons from his locket apart from armor, in a few days Aghar learns to use the power of his fire properly and he was becoming expert in it every day.

Then the protector tells Aghar that you have learned to walk, you have also learned to run, now you have to learn to fly tirelessly in big storms, you have to learn to get up after falling, now you have to learn to use the power of wind.

Aghar says as you say master.

He tells the same thing to all the three friends of Aghar and also takes them to teach.

Then the protector say that you have to fly with the wind, not against it, feel your body so light that even dust particles seem heavy to you.

Only then you will be able to float in the air in a good way.

For this you have to lighten your mind first, the protector take everyone with them to a quiet place to meditate.

Due to meditation, Aghar's ability to learn any work quickly was increasing.

One day Aghar starts flying while paying attention and remembering the words of his guru. Later, his friends also learn to fly soon.

Similarly, while doing Aghar meditation, along with the power of air, I had learned to use the powers of water, earth and sky slowly.

The other and Ekansh and Lily had also learned to make armor with their power and to breathe in it.

Aghar, Junifer, Ekansh and Lily were mastering their respective powers.

More than five months had passed, now if Morcius had come alone, he could have reached the earth in a few days. But if he had brought all his people, he would have understood more.

Aghar's friends were just anticipating Morcius's arrival.