Flood & Burning Bush

Henshupta's palace wasn't flooded but the raging waters from the flood was crazy this year that many fields and Egyptian natives lost their homes. Btu since pharaoh's castle is built in strong foundations, it wasn't destroyed or carried over. But some clay made homes were washed off and now Mearaek and Meta are helping out organize food and shelter aids for the people and even foreign internationals who are just visiting the country as tourists or merchants from Mediterrania, Nubia and Africa.

Priestess, there is a man looking for you, he said his name is Nubis. He wanted to speak with you!, Meta said with a worried face.

Okay, thank you. Please take care of this bulk (cartons of sandwiches and drinks) and give it to the people outside. I'm sure they are really hungry now since these foreigners came all over Cairo and forts for aid, Meraek replied and walked outside the palace grounds where the people are gathered in camps for the ration of food.

Yes? And you are?

Ah, priestess, I am Nubis from Persia. I have come from afar and want you to know that Xexes has come back and wanted to give you this!, the man was about to strike Meraek but she felt something is off so her eyes turned black and her hands held up summoning a prayer, a chant and the man suddenly froze and his hand couldn't move at all.

I know who you are. Tell him that we are ready for him, anytime!, Meraek uttered with her voice became one to two or more sounds of man, woman, child and appeared so tall like a giant that Nubis who couldn't move turned pale, wet himself. His skin is as white as ivory from fear.

I'm sorry, please don't kill me! I will, I will tell my Lord Skelepur. Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!, Nubis shouted and ran away when he was able to move.

Hmm!!!! Henshu and the others should know what's happening. Skelepur is not an easy enemy to beat!, Meraek came in to the palace grounds with forehead squinting. Yes, I'll talk to Hydra, right away!, Meta said handing the food cartons to the people one by one thus hurrying to be able to advice Hydra of what's going to happen.

Haa….Skelepur, huh!, I knew it that Lord Osiris had something to do with this. It's just sudden and new that the gods would help a ruler, better yet, a dead king?

Maybe because they wanted something out of it! Henshu, I don't feel good about this ! The last time a god challenged a human, Pericles, almost died, but Zeus helped out that's why he remained alive. But who will help you, Hydra? Your generals who are all humans like you! I'm scared my lord!, Meraek said wrapping her arms around me.

Oh….Meraek! Yes, that's true but the spirits of Jardin-Ur and father will help me. Pharaoh Hatshepsut would assist me on this. As god Khons, I will endure and survive this. Just have faith, my darling!, I cried smiling and holding my beloved's face then kissed her lips to comfort her. I felt different. I am at a loss and fear that Skelapur is on to me. And he will not stop until he kills me. But I will conquer and there's only one way to gain more power and get even with the One (Xerxes) who is favored by the god of the underworld ("Osiris").

I thought of my end and I don't want to die without not knowing my purpose at all. I asked Meraek to give me my alone time, jumped to ride my horse and ventured out of Thebes. I came across a mountain, which is the first time I knew that there was one after many years I have been living in Egypt. I saw a middle aged man, his face is covered with beard, holding a staff on his right hand. He is about to walk up the steep mountain. So, since I was very curious about him, I decided to follow him. I am so lost that I needed some reassurance about my future and my kingdom's.

I scouted the steep mountain and so does the man. He kept composed, calm while holding his staff. But then, he stopped in the middle of a portion where there's a landing and small tree. I was about to come near him to say hello but the tree began to burn and the flames rose like is wasn't afraid to scatter it's hot flames and burn the man.

Moses, Moses! …..the loud, bold but peaceful voice said to the man.

Moses, am I dreaming? This is the story I read about the Vizier, ruler who was blessed to interpret dreams and saved Egypt and the world from famine and poverty.

No, am I just dreaming. How come he is so vividly real!!!!????

The burning bush lighted and od said to Moses, " Say to the Israelites, The Lord, God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob – has sent me to you. This is my name forever, the name you shall call me from generation to generation….

I will bring you out of your affliction of Egypt unto the lands of Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites and the Hivites, and the Jebusites unto a land flowing with milk and honey."

Then after saying those words I felt dizzy and the rain poured over my head and my eyes. The vision or sort of like that disappeared. I saw myself standing alone in the landing and the mountain is cold, dark and the wind whistled like it was telling me to be calm, don't be afraid and I will be with you in your fight. God of Moses, help me!

Huh! I woke up and saw nothing but darkness and the cold breeze touching my face as if enveloping me with kisses and comfort, saying, it'll be okay, just hold on, Henshu!

Henshu, my darling!


Anhemnotep in flashing flesh light appeared before his daughter. Henshupta ran towards her father and hugged him tight like there's no tomorrow. Father, oh father! I missed you so much!

How? Why?

You're prayers to the gods were heard and now I'm here to help you!

Father! You being here makes me complete. I'm already alright! I feel safe when you're around!

You better be! I'm always with you even if you don't see me all the time! I'm always with you! Your mother and I protect, guide and watch over you! So, don't ever think that we left you. You're not alone, the gods are on your side. Take heart! Keep the faith my child. Pharaoh Henshupta, Queen of Egypt! Hail to you! You are the mighty Ruler of the Nile. The Khons, God of the Moon! You will win over the Lord of Darkness.