
Skelepur is no match for you because you have the heart and the love for your people and country. May the gods continue to guide and protect you! I love you!, Anhemnotep said then his wife, Henshu's mother appeared with him together. Henshupta is now teary-eyed but smiled when she saw her parents happy and together again. I will see you in time, my beloved family. I love youuuu!!!!, Henshup thought and knelt, then bowed to the gods she saw after her parents appeared to her. The gods were pleased to see her shine and uplift Egypt to its grand state in the world now. They are honored to be part of my success and fight against Skelupur. This made them proud in choosing me as their champion to defeat the Great Grand Offspring of Osiris, Xerxes or Skelepur.

On the other hand, Skelepur continued using his powers to transform every person he meets as his 's-ka' (zombi). Every land he stays in rots and melts down to nothingness. The places he appears into becomes dark, barren, rotten and cold just like him. The southern part of Persia is now black and deserted. People ran from different directions just to get away from him and his soldiers of darkness who he called 's-kas'. The s-kas would roam around the streets, fields and deserted places in Persia, deserts and mountains of cities or countries surrounding it.

General Hydra and her troops heard of the rumors about the s-kas so they prepared for these monsters attacks. They also made and yielded more weapons that can kill and decapitate these so called skas (zombis).

I like, I like…..Pa-pa, where is Mumm-ma?, a little boy calling out his father while trying to run after him outside an average home in the Egypt's middle age years.

Aha…my boy, Sabah!!! Ha..ha….how are you doing, my baby boy? You are bigger than the last time I saw you! AHahahaha!!!!, the middle aged man turned and saw the little boy and carried him placing his both legs in between his neck to see the sun set off the Nile.

Mommy went to the market to buy our meal for the night. You like honey, strawberries, porridge and cakes? So, she will buy them all for you!

Pan Ello? It's about Mina!, another man came running to talk to Sabah's father. Pan smiling suddenly dropped the toy boat he was making earlier while Sabah is playing and running to and fro their front yard.

Mina, Mina, oh, gods. Please, save my Mina! Please….

The medic is advising Pan that his wife had an accident and was hit by a charging chariot trying to hurry in the streets Cairo. Pan and Mina have been new settlers in Cairo. They grew up in Persia and since Xerxes the first have ordered a decree that natives Persians should serve the king, Pan declined to do it and was exiled and he chose Egypt for he knew that his family will be safe here. But that was many years ago. The gods must have cursed me for disobeying them and not serving my country. Oh gods, please save my Mina. Please!!!!!

Our condolences, Pan. Sabah is so young!!!! Oh, sorry….., an elderly woman cried while hugging Pan and touching Sabah's face while looking intently at his mother lying in a wooden bed. She will be buried in the family's tomb in Persia. But since Pan would want Mina to be close to him and Sabah, he paid for a small stone cave near Mt. Sinai, where some average locals have used up for their dead and sold it to him. Pan have saved it up for building Mina's dream home in Persia but how can he do that, when his beloved is already gone.

Mina…my love. Why have you left us, so soon?, Pan now kneeling and sobbing at Mina's wooden framed bed with white cloth and linen.

Sabah is holding Mina's hand and kissing it. Mumi, mumi, wake up. Sabah is here now. I will protect you. Mumi, mumi!!! Wake up!!! I miss you!!!

Ahhhh……hu….Mina, my love. Minaaaaa!!!!, Pan cried and hugged Sabah tightly as several men held Mina's bed her whole body wrapped in white cloth and linen. Her face was covered with a hand-made and beautifully woven handkerchief the elderly woman called Mariam, their sweet neighbor made for her favorite friend and sister Mina.

Pan and Mina's parents had died in the war between Persia and Hittites a long time ago. Pan and Mina met in a public orphanage run by the Scholars of St. Joseph Christian Community in the middle ages. Joseph has become so popular in Egypt when he saved them because of interpreting a dream. Joseph not only saved Egypt but the whole world from famine and gave food to anyone who was hungry and needy during the darkest times in the history of Egypt and the world.

What are you thinking?, Henshupta asked Sabaj while he was standing looking intently at the one of the best sunsets they had in Egypt off the north side of the Nile.

Wow, it is the most magnificent sets I have seen since the last, when I saw one with my father. And, that was the happiest and saddest time in my life!!!, Sabah cried a tear falling from the right side of his eye.