
Henshupta looked at Sabah then to the sunset. She also remembered her father and this is one of the most historical for her too. Anhemnotep loves sunsets and Sabah is like him, very sentimental, loving and passionate about his position in the senate, board and the governing body of Egypt. But however strong, determined and tough they look like in the outside. They are soft, sweet and sentimental on the inside. That's why I chose Sabah to be one of my scribes and now right hand in governing Egypt.

Sabah dried his tears off and smiled, looking at me like a young boy that he was with his father. I don't really have visions like this but now I did and it was the loveliest scene in a person's life that I didn't want to forget. It is the most precious of all memories, just like mine with father and mother.

My lord!, guards saw skas around the forts, what are we going to do?, Yuya cried rushing out very scared and his face pale white.

Okay, keep calm! Sabah send message to call out all the generals and since General Hydra is in Persia now we should take care of this matter alone. I can't promise we will win the battle against these demons, but we will give them one hell of a fight!, Henshupta said while placing her hand on Sabah's shoulder. Now, hurry and let's kill some zombies!

At Persepolis, Hydra and her army was about to head out since there was a message that skas and Skelepur is raising havoc in middle part of Nubia and soon to enter borders of Egypt. Hydra wants to help Henshupta and her people against the bloodsucking and evil Persian leader. She knows that he is no longer human and would want to kill the pharaoh as long as he has control over the forts and Thebes.

One warrior called out loud to alert Hydra for there are skas everywhere. Hydra lifts her sword up and ….chargeeeee!!!!!!

Hydra and her army of Egyptian foot soldiers, warriors, ran to annihilate the zombies, some with their swords, javelin, arrows and some with their bare hands and knives. These skas are like ants that appeared in front of their eyes and Hydra is determined to kill them all, but how!?

Spira go!, Hydra called out one of the spies for the pharaoh and threw a rubberized balloon with oil and some kind of air that explodes when thrown along with fire. Spira shouted…Fire!!!!. From the left…Fire…form the right….fire!!!!

One by one the ball rubber balls the warriors threw exploded one by one and so did the skas. The ragged bones and ghosts fell one by one with their ashes blown by the wind.

For the gods, Pharaoh and Egypt!!!!!!! Yaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!, Hydra cried out loud like thunder banging the ground shaking it. His horse along with the horse-back riding soldiers and chariotry moved, shoved skas using their sharp wheels with titanium, silver and gold blades sweeping and cutting them into pieces. Blood, water and bones scattered along the pavements and splashing on to the soldiers faces, bodies and armors.

Hydra ordered the army to head straight back to the castle to protect the Queen, the royal family, Egypt and its people.

Hydra saw Skelepur but he disappeared into thin air when she was about to cut the enemy using her sword. The general was caught by surprise when Skelepur appeared at her back his knife already stuck at her neck.

Kill me, I'd be glad to die for the Queen, for Egypt. But you! You are an evil ghost of a leader. You're nothing but a….

But an overgrown weakling who followed my ancestors old crazy ways that isn't applicable to me now. So, let me see. I should kill you now and eat your heart. That would satisfy and appease my soul…Oh wait! I no longer have a soul!!! Hahahahahah…..Die, along with your ….

Skelepur was about to stuck his knife on Hydra's neck but Spira jumped and bumped his head towards the undead evil leader, but he flew away when Skelepur used his telekinesis to shove him off. Spira dropped to the ground at about 10 feet away from where Hydra and Skelepur were.

Hydra now found a chance to take the knife using her quick reflexes, struck him on his side with his own blade.

Though Hydra did that, Skelepur just laughed since he no longer feels pain. He pulled the knife and stroke Hydra on her arm…

Ahhh…..!!!!, Hydra cried out, thus the bow and arrow team heard her cry and one threw a shot at Skelepur. One by one the chariotry along with the warriors took their shots with their arrows hitting each and every ska on sight. Also, until the ghost of a man were full of their arrows. Skelepur fell to the ground and Hydra took the knife from his hand before he got knocked unconscious and threw it on the ground. Spira drove the general's horse and pulled Hydra out in the middle of the battle, then, drove off back to Egypt. The fort is safe from Skelepur, for now.

I remember when I was human, when I was still the king of Persia, I thought I know and had it all. I have been so strict and inhumane that I neglected my troops needs and decided to go through the war even if they were not equip or could no longer fight in the battle. My poor men and women!

I have never felt the need to apologize to my soldiers. I never felt love, remorse or compassion that I should've learned to adjust to my soldiers needs and wants.

Is it maybe because I have never fallen in love? Before but many women have tried to seduce or throw themselves at me. Yet, I was too busy in ruling my kingdom that I have forgotten how to love and feel love. However, I always felt I'm better off alone and not caring whether a person likes or hates me. As long as I rule my city well and provide for their needs I'm okay with that. I'm better off alone because I tend to give myself away and others take advantage of my kindness and mistake it as weakness. Why I have killed many since they have betrayed either my trust or mistook my estrange niceness as kindness.