Earth Bear

Nathan closed his eyes and pressed the button under the orb. Suddenly, a blue glow surrounded his body and he disappeared from his room.

Nathan opened his eyes, he looked around and saw nothing. The ground was rocky and rough.

Nathan gripped his sword with his right hand and activated his vampiric senses skill. 

"So the only beasts I'll see here are the earth bears," Nathan said.

"They have high defence so you have to strike hard," Siena said.

Nathan was about to reply but he saw something approaching. It was an earth bear. 

The earth bear was about 7 foot tall with brown fur that looked sturdy and menacing red eyes. The bear was running at full speed towards Nathan.

The chilly wind howled which caused Nathan's cloak to flutter. He raised his sword and took his stance. His left leg backwards and his right leg stable.

When the bear was within his reach, he slashed his sword horizontally towards its head.

The bear managed to defend itself with its right claw causing a clash. 

It swung his left claw and Nathan leaped back to avoid it.

The bear raced towards Nathan but this time he summoned two earth spikes and directed one to the bear.

[Ability Energy: 21/25]

The bear defended itself again but Nathan was already expecting that. He held the other earth spike and moved directly in front of the bear.

"You're just too slow," he said.

He stabbed the spike into the bear's head, killing it instantly.

[You have defeated an Earth Bear]

[You have gained 10 points]

[Points needed to level up: 10/200]

"So one Earth Bear gives 10 points. I'll need to kill 19 more to level up," he thought.

Nathan didn't need to move because five more bears were charging towards him. Two from the front and right side and one from the left side.

"I'll need to get serious for this," he muttered.

The two bears in front of him were closer than the rest so he charged towards them.

Holding his sword like a dagger, he stabbed the first one in its head and used the force from the sword to jump to the second one at the back, delivering a devastating kick towards it.

Due to their high defence, both bears were still alive buy they were in a stunned state.

The remaining three bears got close to Nathan and were ready to attack.

Nathan smirked, something he didn't do often. He summoned an earth wall in front of him and due to the momentum of the bears, they couldn't stop in time and slammed into the wall.

[Ability Energy: 16/25]


Nathan used that opportunity to kill the first two bears he attacked. 

"Two down, three to go," he muttered.

One of the bears swung its claws at him. He raised his sword and skillfully parried it. Without warning, he swiftly stabbed its eye with his sword.


The bear roared in pain and started staggering. 

Nathan summoned three earth spikes which he directed towards it.

[Ability Energy: 10/25]

Without one of its eyes, the bear was unable to react quickly and was instantly killed.

"Two remaining."

With a quick dash, he slashed at the bear closest to him, aiming for its eyes. The bear was too slow and was killed in the same way.

Nathan looked at the last bear, it was a little bit bigger than the rest and it looked more menacing.

"This one is different," Nathan said.

His suspicion was confirmed when the bear opened its mouth and ten earth spikes came out.

"Wait...…what the hell?!! 

Nathan was shocked. He never expected that.

"Oh...I forgot to tell you," Siena said.

It was evident in her voice that it was something he needed to know.

Nathan didn't have time to reply because the spikes were already close to him.


Nathan deflected all the spikes causing sparks to fly. 

He summoned his own earth spikes using his remaining ability energy.

[Ability Energy: 0/25]

When the earth spikes got to the bear, they didn't even leave a scratch. 

Nathan's eyes widened in surprise but he didn't let his guard down.

He dashed towards the bear with his sword ready to strike. The bear hit the ground with his claws and the rocks started floating.

Nathan had to stop his dash to protect himself but the rocks were just a distraction. The bear charged towards Nathan and before he could react, his body was slammed by the bear. He landed hardly on the ground.

[Health point: 30/55]

"Shit, what is this bear's body made of?" Nathan groaned in pain. 

He could tell that some of his bones got broken from the impact.

The sword he used to protect himself got broken in half. The bear charged in his direction again. Nathan summoned blood spikes to slow down the bear to give himself time.

[Blood Energy: 5/30]

His body was already healing but he knew that he'll need more than that to kill the bear.

"I have no other choice." 

RAGE!!" He screamed

Nathan received a boost in strength. 7 added strength was a big boost.

Still unafraid, the bear swung its claws. Nathan caught it with his left hand and punched the bear's head with his right hand. 

The bear regained its footing and summoned earth spikes.

Nathan ran towards the bear with immense speed and whizzed past the spikes. Few of them scratched him but he didn't stop.

The bear summoned an earth wall for defence. Nathan punched the wall and it got destroyed in pieces startling the bear.

Another punch landed on the bear causing it to roar in pain.

Nathan smiled menacingly and his glowing red eyes made him even more scarier.

The bear felt a sudden fear and decided to run. It took a sharp turn and dashed away.

Nathan did not pursue the bear. Instead, he picked up his half-broken sword and held it like an arrow.

He tensed his muscles and in a swift motion he threw the sword. 

Because of the force used to throw the sword, it went deep into the bear's butthole causing it to fall down.

The bear couldn't get up because of the pain. Nathan stood in front of it with a smile still on his face. A smile that would cause fear if seen.

Nathan continuously punched the bear's head. Blood splattered on his face and even after the bear died, he still continued punching.

Eventually, it was already five minutes and rage deactivated. Nathan's body fell on the ground due to the after-effect of the rage skill.

Without saying anything, he stabbed his claws into the bear's stomach and started absorbing blood.

Slowly, the injuries on his body started healing.