Level 3

The injuries on Nathan's body started healing. His eyes were on the verge of closing but he suddenly snapped them open.

"No, I can't give in," Nathan said.

His breathing was ragged and his body was shaking. His eyes glowed red. It was as if he was fighting with himself.

Using sheer willpower, he was able to remove his claws from the bear's body and regain himself.

[You have defeated four Earth Bear]

[You have gained 40 points]

[You have defeated an Earth Bear]

[You have gained 15 points]

"So that big one gave me 15 points." 

[Points needed to level up: 65/200]

"You were able to control yourself, that's good," Siena said.

"What did you forget to tell me?" He asked ignoring Siena's remark.

"It's about the beasts. They also have a ranking," She replied.

"They have a ranking just like the gifted?"

"Beasts and even the rogue humans have a certain energy that they emit."

"Humans were able to measure that energy and use it to rank them," She explained.

Nathan didn't know this and he blamed himself. He isn't suppose to depend on Siena for every information. He's suppose to know these basic things himself.

"But equipments are supposed to be provided to check their rankings," Nathan reasoned.

"From what I know, a measurement watch is given to every student on the day of the welcoming speech," Siena said.

"Oh…. That's the day I fought Dan in the forest." 

Nathan smiled wryly, he would have stayed if he knew.

"How do I get it now?" He was confused.

"I have an idea. I think you should meet that Jagger dude and tell him that you missed the welcoming speech," Siena said.

"He has taken a liking to me, so I'm sure it'll work." He reasoned.

"Sorry, I don't know the ranking, I would've told you," She said apologetically.

"No, I'm supposed to know it myself, so there's no need to apologize," he replied.

"The problem now is how to move these bears."

The body of beasts were used to make weapons and they were also sold for Energy stones.

Nathan didn't want to leave all these bodies like this.

"Space rings are used to store them but it's very expensive and not many can afford it," Siena said.

"Space rings are rings used to store things but the downside of it is that the thing must not be living and the ring also had limited space." 

"Because of the price, people just teleported the body of beasts with their teleportation orb since they could not afford a space ring."

"Ugh…. That means I'll stay here and wait for bears to come because I can't just leave these bodies here," Nathan said.

He didn't want to leave yet because he planned to reach level 3 before leaving.

"As far as it's just the normal bears, I'll be okay."

He picked up his half-broken sword and prepared himself to kill any bear that he sees.


Nathan killed 14 more Earth Bears that ventured to where he was.

It was easy because they came in pair of two's and some even came alone.

[You have defeated 14 Earth Bears]

[You have gained 140 points]

[Congratulations, you are now level 3]

[You have gained 3 stat points]

[You have gained a new earth element skill]

[Earth Fist: When activated, the user's fist is covered with a rock-like surface and is strengthened. It can be used for both fists.]

[Cost: 1 ability energy for every second it is active on one fist]

"Hmmm, it's a good skill. It'll be useful especially when I don't have a weapon." Nathan reasoned.

"That means if it's active on both fists then it'll be 2 ability energy every second."

Nathan put one stat point each in strength, defence and stamina.

[Health point:60/60]

[Strength: 16]

[Stamina: 18]

[Ability Energy: 30/30]

[Blood Energy: 35/35]

Nathan gathered the bodies of the 20 bears he killed and made sure they were touching each other.

"My room is going to be a big mess." Nathan sighed and brought the orb out of his bag before wearing it back.

He pressed the button under it and himself and the bodies all disappeared.

Nathan appeared in the middle of his room. Thankfully, his room was big enough to contain the big bodies if the bears but the blood stained his room.

With no other choice, Nathan went to the ASC building with the teleportation orb.

"It's good to see you," the lady said after seeing Nathan.

"Yeah, I have the bodies of some earth bears in my room. How do I go about it?" He asked while giving her the orb.

You can get a blacksmith that'll buy it and carry it out," she replied.

As they were talking, Felix entered the building and saw Nathan.

"Oh…. There's one here," the lady said looking at Felix.

"Oh, it's you. You're preparing to go to an area? Felix asked.

"No, I'm just coming back from area 21," Nathan replied.

He explained the situation of the bears to Felix. He was hoping Felix will buy them.

Riya, I'll be right back," Felix said.

"So her name is Riya," Nathan thought.

Felix followed Nathan to his room to check out the bears.

Blacksmith's were able to enter dorm buildings as far as they had the badge that identifies them as an academy blacksmith.

After some inspection's, Felix told Nathan the price.

"The lower rank bears are 100 energy stones while the half-step middle rank bear is 150 energy stones," Felix said.

Nathan didn't know the ranking but he assumed that the smaller ones were the lower rank and the big bear was the half-step middle rank.

"Is it okay if we go to my shop, we can talk about the price there."

"Alright, let's go there," Nathan replied.

Suddenly, Felix tapped the ring in his right hand and a white light came out if it.

He touched the body of the bears and the disappeared into his space ring.

"So he has a space ring." Nathan thought.

The ring looked ordinary. It was brown and there was nothing extraordinary about it's appearance.

They both got to his shop after some minutes of walking. Felix brought out the bears and sat down on the chair inside his shop.

He gestured for Nathan to sit down.

"So as I was saying, the lower rank bears are 100 energy stones."

"Can you tell me the beast ranking?" Nathan asked.

"HUH….?!" Felix exclaimed.