Ranking System

"HUH?!" Felix exclaimed.

Beast ranking was a common knowledge, so he was surprised that Nathan didn't know it.

"You don't know the rankings?" he asked just to be sure he heard Nathan correctly.

"Can you just tell me," Nathan replied with a frown on his face.

He was already getting annoyed but he was trying to stay calm.

"Alright, I'll tell you."

The ranking from weakest to strongest:

- Lower rank

- Middle rank

- Upper rank

- Rare rank

- Special rank

- Legendary rank

- Pinnacle rank

"This is how beasts are ranked and some beasts partially step into the next rank, those ones have half-step added to their rank just like the gifted" Felix explained.

"So those smaller bears are lower rank and the big bear is half-step middle rank," Nathan thought.

"The same ranking is also used for rogue humans and weapons," Felix added.

Nathan was sure that his short sword was unranked. If not, it would have been able to greatly injure the lower rank bears with one strike.

"Your short sword was made from the bones of a middle rank beast. That's why it was 70 energy stones."

Nathan was a little bit confused and Felix saw it.

"The heart of a beast is the most valuable part. The bones are just addition and they make the weapons a little bit stronger," Felix explained.

"Damn….. I would have just removed their hearts instead of bringing their whole bodies," Nathan thought.

"Don't think it's just a waste to bring their bodies," Felix said.

"Are the bodies also valuable?"

"Yes, the bones are still sold for a good amount especially high ranked beasts."

Nathan now had a clear idea about the ranking system. 

"I can't believe I had much trouble with a half-step middle rank beast," Nathan said with a frown.

Nathan also found out some other things while discussing with Felix.

Since the rogue humans appeared, only two pinnacle rank has been seen.

They were killed by the headmistress of Vina academy and three other unknown individuals.

"There are too many unknown things," Nathan said while walking out of the shop.

"The cat lady that evolved, the teleportation orb, the barrier and even the three individuals that killed the pinnacle rank rogue human." Nathan sighed. 

He was genuinely tired and just wanted to rest.

"The rogue humans killed alot of people when they appeared. I'm not even sure if my parents are alive," Nathan said. 

"No….. I can't let that thought get to me."

Nathan steeled his resolve and entered his room.

He was greeted with the blood stains from the bears.

"I'll have to clean this but at least it was worth it," Nathan said.

He opened his bag and looked at the energy stones inside.

All together, there were two thousand and fifty energy stones inside his bag.

The lower rank bears were sold for 100 energy stones each and the half-step middle rank bear was sold for 150 energy stones.

"I'll be able to get a good weapon and armour with this," he said.


Nathan finished cleaning his room. It didn't take long because of the speed at which he did it.

He freshened up and changed his clothes. He had gotten enough training for the day after battling the bears.

"System," Nathan whispered.

He decided to fully explore the system and it's functions.

The red transparent screen appeared in front of him. He touched it and his hands passed through it.

Nathan knew he was the only one that could see the system, so he wasn't worried about that.

Four tabs appeared on the system screen. Stats, quests, skills and shop.

He already knew about the stats. He entered the quests tab.

[There is no quest available now]

Those were the words written in the quest tab.

'So I'll have to do something to trigger a quest," he thought.

Nathan opened the skill tab and saw his normal vampire and elemental skills.

But as he was about to exit it, he saw something written under.

[Passive Skills]

[Basic short sword mastery: You have gained proficiency with the short sword and can now use it better]

"When did I get this skill?"

"You didn't notice it because you were fighting with the big bear that time," Siena said.

Nathan tapped the [passive skills] and a new message appeared.

[Passive skills are skills that do not cost any energy to use. It can only be gained through the host's training]

"I trained alot with the short sword so I got this skill," he reasoned.

"But why is the vampiric senses skill not under passive skills?"

"You haven't trained it to the level of it becoming a passive skill. With more training, it'll be under passive skills." Siena explained.

Nathan also found out that his skills could level up by continuously using them and understanding them more.

He entered the shop tab but it was locked.

[The shop unlocks at level 10]

"What's in the shop?" Nathan curiously asked.

"Amazing things, that's all I'll tell you," Siena replied.

Nathan was sure that if he was seeing her face right now, there would be a grin on it.

"Then I just have to reach level 10 to see those amazing things," Nathan said.

"I'll have to see Jagger for the watch," he said remembering the rankings.

"He might even be in the classroom," Siena said.

"No classes today, so I'm not sure about that."

Nathan walked outside the dorm building. He decided to check the classroom if he would see Jagger but he mainly did it to take a stroll.

As he was walking, he suddenly thought about Joey.

"Where would she be by now," Nathan thought.

"Are you hoping to see her," Siena said with a chuckle.

"Huh?! Why would I be hoping to see her?" Nathan retorted.

He was caught off guard with that question.

"I mean, you're clearly thinking about her." Siena teased.

Nathan gritted his teeth in anger.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry."

Nathan ignored her and continued walking towards the classroom.

He could still hear her giggling which further angered him.

"I just teased you a little and you're already angry. You really need to work on it," Siena said.

Nathan agreed with her internally. 

"It's hard but I'll try," Nathan said.

He got to the classroom and was surprised to see some students inside and Jagger was standing in front of them.

"What's going on?" Nathan muttered.

It was Saturday and classes weren't supposed to be held so Jagger understood the look of confusion on Nathan's face.

"Come in, Nathan," Jagger said with a smile.