You guys....met me at the wrong time.

"What the hell is she doing here," Nathan thought.

Celine stood up and walked towards him with a smile still on her face.

Nathan couldn't move and just stayed still on the chair.

She touched his forehead with her finger that was covered with a green aura.

Celine appeared in the brown room that Siena resided in.

"YOU... YOU, I'LL KILL YOU," Siena shouted but there was nothing she could do.

She was just in the pocket space she created and there was no way she could fight.

"You don't have to shout, I can hear you clearly," Celine muttered.

"Why did you kill my father?" Siena asked.

At the moment, that was the only question that was on her mind.

"We're just meeting each other again after a long time and this is the first question you're asking me," Celine said.

"You didn't even ask how I'm doing," she added while pouting like a little child.

"Why did you kill my father?" Siena asked again ignoring what Celine said.

"Hehehe, you'll just have to find out yourself." Celine chuckled.

Siena gritted her teeth in anger. The fact that there was nothing she could do right now was eating her up.

"It seems like you didn't practice the things i taught you well," Celine said.

"Some lowly generals even defeated you. Hmph.... You've become so weak," Celine added with her hands on her wrist.

She sounded like a teacher that was disappointed in her student.

Siena didn't even bother to ask how she knew about her generals. Celine knew many things and this was just one of them.

"What are you doing in the human realm? What is your mission here?"

"I didn't bring you here to ask questions, I just wanted to say hi," Celine said.

"Huh? You brought pain to me, you shattered the joy I had in my life and now you're telling me you brought me here to say hi?!" Siena shouted.

They were both silent for some seconds before Celine broke the silence.

"Okay, I think that's enough for today," Celine said.

She went back to the real world and looked at Nathan who was still sitting on the chair.

"You're free to go now," she said.

Nathan didn't say a word. He just stood up and walked towards the door.

"Oh... wait, one more thing. I know you killed Josh," Celine said. did sh-"

Celine interrupted his thoughts.

"Claw marks were on his neck and you're the only vampire in this academy," Celine said while tilting her head.

"Shit... it didn't heal on time," Nathan thought.

Claw marks from vampires heal slowly and that was why Nathan wasn't worried about the mark on Josh's neck.

But turns out the body was found before it healed completely.

"You don't have to worry about it," Celine said.

"Wait…. Did she cover it up?"

"So that's why I didn't hear anything about him," Nathan thought.

The only thing he wanted now was to get out of this room.

"You can take him back," Celine said as she looked at the girl behind her.

The girl touched Nathan's shoulder and they both disappeared.

The smile suddenly left Celine's face and it was replaced by a frown.

"There's something wrong with him," Celine thought.

They appeared near the entrance of the forest and the girl disappeared again without saying anything.

Siena wasn't saying anything and Nathan knew that there was alot going on in her mind, so he decided to let her be for the moment.

Nathan stomped into the forest in anger.

"I'm so weak," he muttered.

The oppressive feeling he got from Celine made him look like an ant.

It was as if she could kill him with one slap.

He could only imagine the kind of pain Siena was feeling, seeing the person that killed her father.


"Finally, we've ranked up, now we're stronger," Vic said with a proud smile on his face while spinning his sword on his hand.

"Yeah, I'm very sure we can beat that dude now," Brett said while looking at Dan who was walking behind them.

These two were Dan's friends and they had just reached the half-step middle rank, which was the same as Dan's rank.

Since the day they found out that Nathan beat Dan, they always planned to take revenge for their friend and to them, ranking up has made it possible.

"I've told you guys already, you don't have to fight him," Dan said.

"Hey Vic, I'm sure that guy's in the forest since he's not in his room," Brett said completely ignoring what Dan said.

"Co-Count me out of this," Dan said and started running off somewhere else.

"What's he afraid of? We're more in number, he doesn't even stand a chance," Vic said.

The both of them started walking to the forest, determined to give Nathan a beating.

Nathan was having his own thoughts in the forest. He was thinking of a way to speed up the skill creation process.

"I'm not getting any ideas." Nathan sighed.

Suddenly, he heard voices from behind.

He looked back and saw two boys approaching. One of them was holding a sword.

"There he is," Brett said.

"You're the one who beat our friend," Vic said.

"Oh… I think it's that Dan guy," he thought.

"And so what?" Nathan asked.

"We'll beat you to a pulp," Brett said aggressively.

"It's best for you guys to leave else you'll both regret it." Nathan warned.

"Hahaha, you stand no chance against us," Brett said.

Nathan was already annoyed and these guys just added to it.

"You guys….met me at the wrong time," Nathan said coldly.

A system message suddenly appeared.


[Defeat the enemies]

[Numbers of enemies defeated: 0/2]

[Reward: Instant Level Up]

"Now I have another reason to beat these guys," Nathan thought.

Vic readied his sword and Brett raised his hands.

Five glowing green orbs appeared above Brett, ready to be thrown.

"This is gonna be easy," Nathan thought.