Level 4 & Easier Way

Now I have another reason to beat these guys," Nathan thought.

Vic readied his sword and Brett raised his hands.

Five glowing green orbs appeared above Brett, ready to be thrown.

"This is gonna be easy," Nathan thought.

With a burst of speed, Vic reached Nathan in an instant and swung his sword horizontally towards Nathan's head.

"So his ability is speed related," Nathan thought.

Nathan ducked and instantly punched Vic's stomach, sending him flying.

"Ugh.." Vic winced in pain.

"I'll kill you!" Brett said and threw two of the green orbs towards Nathan.


Nathan jumped to the side, avoiding the orbs.

The orbs collided with the ground, causing a dent to appear.

"If I move faster, I'll surely hit him," Vic thought while standing up.

But before he could even move, Nathan was already directly in front of him.

Nathan's right palm was on Vic's face.

"You're fast, but I'm faster," Nathan whispered in Vic's ear.


In a swift motion, he smashed Vic's head on the ground, knocking him out in an instant.

"Arghhhh! Your dead now!' Brett shouted.

"The three of you are just a bunch of loudmouths," Nathan said.

He remembered that Dan was shouting in the same way when they fought.

Brett summoned the green orbs again and this time they were more.

It was as if he used his whole ability energy to summon alot.


All the green orbs raced towards Nathan.

He scoffed and suddenly dashed towards Brett.

"Isn't he afraid to die?" Brett thought.


In a swift manner, Nathan dodged the orbs one by one and was approaching Brett.

Brett was slowly moving backwards due to fear.

Nathan leaped over the last orb with his leg ready for a kick.

"Ho-how did this happen?" Brett thought.

His mind was already clouded with fear as Nathan's leg descended.


Nathan delivered a kick to Brett's chest which also knocked him out.

He was about to take blood but he stopped himself.

"Tch, I have to resist it," Nathan thought.

It was a way to control his urge for blood.

He left their bodies and started walking out of the forest.

[Quest complete]

[Reward: Instant Level Up]

[Congratulations, you are now level 4]

[You have gained 3 stat points]

"I didn't even need to use skills to defeat these guys," Nathan thought.

He suddenly remembered Celine and a frown appeared on his face.

"She certainly has a mission here," Nathan thought.

"I'm sure about it," Siena suddenly said.

"About what?"

"The artifacts…she brought them to the human realm," Siena said.

"Huh?! But why?" He asked with a confused expression.

"The barrier, the teleportation orb, they're all artifacts and I'm very sure she brought them," Siena said.

"I don't know why she's here but it's certainly not a good reason," Siena added.

"There's a reason she's helping humans, I'll have to be careful," Nathan thought.

He got to the dorm building and went to the top floor before entering his room.

After freshening up, he sat down in a lotus position, ready to continue the skill creation.

"Is this the only way to create skills?" Nathan asked.

"I've not seen any other method," Siena replied.

Nathan sighed and summoned an earth spike.

"Think…there must be a way," he thought.

He spent hours observing the earth spike and thinking of ways to create skills before a thought pooped up in his head.

"Ability energy makes up the skills we use," Nathan thought.

"This might work."

Nathan put the earth spike on his right palm and closed his eyes. His level of concentration was superb.

He focused on the earth spike and slowly sensed his ability energy that was in the spike.

He felt like he could make it longer and sharper by adding more ability energy.

The spike started vibrating and if one looked closely, they would see that the shape was changing.

The earth spike was slowly turning circular and bigger.

Nathan was sweating buckets already and his shirt was soaked.

"Ugh..!" Nathan winced.

His ability energy was depleted but a smile was on his face.

"Hehehe, I've found an easier way," Nathan said.

"Wait….how?" Siena was confused.

"Ability energy makes up the skills we use and with enough concentration, it can be sensed," Nathan said.

"I just sensed my energy in the earth spike and changed the shape to my will," he added.

"Huh!! How the fuck has no one thought of that?!" Siena exclaimed.

If the shape can be changed then it was automatically a new skill.

"This method is easier but it takes up ability energy," Nathan said.

"Hmm.. that's the only downside," Siena said.

Nathan remembered that he has 3 stat points and he immediately opened the system screen and allocated his stat points.

Two points in defence and one in stamina.


[Name: Nathan Langley]

[Age: 17]

[Race: Vampire]

[Level: 4]

[Points: 0/600]

[Health point: 70/70]

[Strength: 16]

[Agility: 15]

[Defence: 19]

[Stamina: 19]

[Ability Energy: 35/35]

[Blood Energy: 40/40]

"Damn… I need 600 points to level up," Nathan said.

He needed 400 points to reach level 4 and the instant level up made it possible but now he needs 600.

"I'll have to think of the next area to hunt beasts," he thought.

With nothing left to do, Nathan decided to train his vampiric senses while his ability energy filled up.

One ability energy was recovered every ten seconds while one blood energy recovered every five seconds.

Still sitting in a lotus position in the middle of his room, Nathan trained his vampiric senses.


"I told you guys not to confront him," Dan said.

He was in his room with Vic and Brett.

Dan was worried about them, so he mustered the courage to look for them in the forest and found them unconscious.

He carried them to the infirmary where they were both later treated by the academy's healer.

"We didn't know he was so strong," Vic muttered.

"I depleted my ability energy if not I would have certainly beat him," Brett said in annoyance.

"Huff… I don't think you've learned your lesson," Dan said.

They all sat in silence, each with the same thought going on in their minds.

"I'm never gonna mess with him again."