Fire Element & Training space

With gloves on both hands, Jagger stood in the middle of Nathan and Billy with his hands on Nathan's fist and Billy's gauntlet.

"It's a draw," Jagger announced.

"HUH?!! The students exclaimed.

They were murmuring, annoyed by the fact that the match had been stopped.

"Why did he have to stop the match now?"

"I don't know, it was just getting to the interesting part."

Jagger was wearing black gloves with blue stripes. With one look, anyone could tell that they weren't ordinary gloves.

"We'll meet again," Billy said with a smirk before walking out of the ring.

"What are you up to, Orion?" Jagger thought with a frown on his face.

System notifications appeared in front of Nathan, but he ignored them and walked out of the ring.

"We don't need anyone to tell us that this match was arranged," Siena said.

"Maybe it's Celine," Nathan said.

He entered the changing room and opened the system screen.

"Hmm... maybe, but we're still not sure," Siena said.

[Quest complete]

[You have received the following rewards]

[Reward 1: 300 points]

[Reward 2: Fire element]

[Reward 3: Training space]

The quest said "Don't lose," and the match ended in a draw, so the reward was given.

"What is this training space?" Nathan asked.

"It's a system function," Siena replied.

Before Nathan could say anything, he heard Orion's voice.

"This is the end of the training matches. The participants who didn't win shouldn't feel discouraged."

"Train more, understand your skills, and you'll improve," Orion said.

The students started walking out of the arena, with the training matches as the hot topic.

Most of them were talking about Nathan and Billy's match.

Without wasting time, Nathan removed the training clothes and went straight to his room.

He couldn't return the sword because it was already broken.

Nathan sighed and sat down on his bed.

His injuries had already healed but it took a lot of energy.

"Blood…I have to resist it," Nathan thought.

He opened the system screen and tapped the "training space" tab that was under.

[Training space: The host's consciousness is transferred to a space where skills can be freely practiced]

"Hmm..that sounds good," Nathan said.

"There's also unlimited ability energy and blood energy in the training space," Siena said.

"Oh..that means I can use my skills nonstop in the training space," Nathan said.

A system notification suddenly appeared.

[Hidden quest complete]

[Efficiently use vampiric senses in a battle]

[Reward: Blood orb]

"Huh? Hidden quest?" Nathan asked in a confused tone.

"They're quests that aren't shown to you but it can be completed," Siena explained.

"I might do some things that could be a hidden quest," Nathan thought.

Gifted naturally had two skills so he was sure that he has two fire element skills.

He opened the skill tab and saw his new skills.


[Fireball: Summon a ball made of fire]

[Cost: 3 ability energy per one fireball]

[Fire accelerate: The host's feet are covered in flames, increasing the speed of the host]

[Cost: 2 ability energy for every second it is active]

Nathan was impressed with the skills. The "Fire Accelerate" skill can even further increase his speed.

[Blood orb: Using blood energy, an orb of blood is formed that can be thrown with destructive force]

"Another good blood skill," Nathan said.

Suddenly, Orion made an announcement that could be heard by everyone in the academy.

"Classes won't be held on Monday, so all students can rest and prepare for Tuesday," Orion announced.

"I was already expecting that," Nathan said.

Most of the students were tired from the training matches and needed some rest.

Nathan opened the training space tab again and saw an option to enter.

He tapped it and suddenly felt his body fall onto the bed.

He opened his eyes and found himself in an empty white space.

"It feels like there's no end," Nathan said while walking around.

"It's an endless space," Siena said.

"And there's another cool feature," she added.

"Another feature?" Nathan asked curiously.

"Imagine any weapon, and it'll appear," Siena said.

Nathan imagined a short sword, and it instantly appeared in his hand.

"They may be ordinary weapons, but they'll be enough for training here," Siena said.

Nathan was amazed by the training space. It made him wonder where the artifact used to create the system came from.

"Even I don't know where it came from. My father gave it to me and didn't tell me its origin," Siena said.

"There's more to this system," Nathan thought.

Another message appeared on the system screen.

[Start training]

Nathan tapped it and another message appeared.

[Training has started]

Suddenly, a brown-coloured mannequin that was a little bit taller than Nathan appeared in the training space and It was holding a huge sword.

As Nathan was observing the mannequin, it suddenly swung its sword down.


Nathan instantly raised his sword and deflected the strike, making the mannequin lose balance.

Before the mannequin could regain balance, Nathan slashed its neck, removing its head from its body.

The mannequin's head and body disappeared from the training space.

"This was pretty easy," Nathan said.

"Yes but the next one that appears is gonna be stronger."

The next one is always stronger than the last," Siena said.

"That's better," Nathan said.

Another mannequin appeared and this time, it was holding an axe.

Nathan summoned a fireball. It was almost the size of a basketball and it was producing intense heat.

The mannequin dashed towards Nathan with its axe raised high but the fireball intercepted it.

It slashed at the fireball, changing the trajectory but Nathan was already prepared.

He decided to try out the fire accelerate skill.

His feet lit up in flames and he raced towards the mannequin, reaching it in an instant.

He slammed the fireball he was holding on the mannequin's face, making it disappear.

"The fire skills are really good," Nathan said.

"But I still have other elements to unlock," he added.

"The elemental manipulation ability is broad, so you still have lots of things to discover about it," Siena said.

"Now that you can use two elements, there's something you can try now," she added.

"What?" Nathan asked.

"Elemental spirits," Siena said.


[Hey guys, please support me with power stones and golden tickets and comments as well. It'll be much appreciated, thanks.]