Area 19

"Elemental spirits," Siena said.

"It's gonna boost your strength," she added.

Nathan left the training space and sat down on the bed.

"So, what is this Elemental spirits about?" He asked.

"Elemental spirits already exist, they just have to be drawn close," Siena said.

The elements were everywhere, so Nathan understood the fact that they're already existing.

"They're born from the very essence of the elements itself."

"And a dense amount of elemental energy in a place can attract them," Siena said.

After some minutes of explanation, Nathan finally understood about elemental spirits.

He has to release his elemental energy in a particular spot frequently to be able to attract them.

Since his ability is elemental manipulation, he just has to release his ability energy.

After closing the windows, Nathan sat in a lotus position and sensed his ability energy. It was a rainbow colored blob of energy.

He slowly moved it towards his fingertips and let the energy escape through it.

After some seconds, his energy filled the whole room.

"Keep doing this frequently and the spirit will be attracted to this room," Siena said.

" will I know if they've come?" Nathan asked.

"You'll be able to see them when they come," Siena replied.

Nathan went into the training space again and the mannequins appeared.

Every mannequin that appeared was always stronger than the last but Nathan was still able to kill them without much trouble.

Monday reached and since there were no classes, Nathan decided to continue training.

Stronger mannequins appeared and he needed to get serious to defeat them but they couldn't even compare to Billy.

Nathan was like a training maniac. Even after classes resumed, he still trained after coming back.

The training space was available so there was no need to wait after classes.

The urge for blood didn't worry him because he resisted it but he knew it would come again.

It continued like this till it was finally…. Saturday.

"Phew..I can finally level up again," Nathan said.

"So, which area are you going to?" Siena asked.

"Area 19," Nathan replied.

"Oh, that means you'll be fighting golden furred gorillas," Siena said.

"Yes, they're half-step upper rank beasts but I'm sure I'll be able to defeat them," Nathan said.

He was wearing the chest plate he bought from Felix and the sword was also on his waist. He also had the black cloak on.

He walked to the ASC building and saw Riya, the strange lady.

After scanning his thumb and recording the information, she gave him the teleportation orb.

"Ugh.. we're just coming here without knowing which area we want to go," Lena said while walking into the ASC building.

"Tch..stop complaining, we'll just look for a suitable one," Joey said.

They both entered the ASC building and met Nathan who was just about to leave.

"Sup Nathan, which area are you going to?" Lena asked with a smile.

The way she spoke as if they have known each other for a long time surprised Nathan.

"Area 19, any problem?" Nathan asked.

"No, ther~"

Before Joey could say anything, Lena cut her off.

"Is it okay if we follow you?" Lena asked.

"Hey, Nathan."

Nathan looked at the entrance and saw Declan walking towards him.

"Good to see you," Declan said.

"Yeah," Nathan replied shortly.

He was already expecting the next question Declan would ask him.

"He's going to area 19," Lena suddenly said.

She already answered the question before Declan even asked.

"She's annoying," Nathan thought with a slight frown on his face.

"Oh, that's where I also want to go," Declan said.

"The golden furred gorillas are strong, isn't it better for us to pick another area?" Joey asked.

"Then we can all go together," Lena said.

"If we're together, we can kill them." She added.

"I'm going alone,'' Nathan said.

Riya was listening to their conversation and decided to speak up.

"Its best if you all go together," Riya said.

"Y'all will be able to hunt efficiently." She added.

"Transporting the beasts won't also be a problem, I have a space ring," Lena chipped in.

After giving it some thoughts, Nathan finally agreed for them to come with him.

Last time, he went to his room before teleporting to area 21.

But since he wasn't the only one this time, they all went to a room in the ASC building for students who wants to teleport in the building.

After recording their information and checking their weapons, they held each others hands and teleported to area 19.

Nathan opened his eyes and what greeted his sight was a forest.

Joey, Lena and Declan were also looking around.

"Golden furred gorillas are half-step upper rank beasts, so we should be careful," Joey said.

They started moving forward and after two minutes, they could see a golden furred gorilla.

Just like its name, it had golden fur and it was about 6 feet tall.


The gorilla roared and leaped towards Nathan who was standing close to it.

"I can try this weapon's skill now," Nathan thought.

He released a little bit of his ability energy and the sword seemed to attract it.

The sword was shrouded in a rainbow colored energy that looked like it was blazing.

Nathan swung the sword and a slash made of energy left it.

The slash sliced the gorilla's head before it could reach Nathan.

[You have killed a golden furred gorilla]

[You have gained 25 points]

It was a half-step upper rank beast so he got 25 points but he knew that upper rank beasts will give way more points because of the strength gap.

The gap between half-step upper rank beasts and upper rank beasts was not to be joked with.

"Your sword is awesome," Declan said.

"Hmm.. thanks," Nathan said.

"One slash was all it took, hehehe, we're safe with you," Lena said while putting the body of the gorilla in her space ring.

"We'll sort out the bodies when we get back," Nathan said.

They could see three more golden furred gorillas rushing towards them.

Nathan dashed towards one of the gorillas with his sword while Declan attacked the second one.

The third one rushed towards Lena and Joey.

Suddenly, two objects appeared on Lena's hands.

The handle was like a sword but the blades were different.

The blades were like that of a ceiling fan and it was spinning with immense speed.

She threw them in the air and stretched out her hands. She was controlling them and could make them move in any direction she wished.

The blades went straight for the gorilla's neck but the gorilla managed to evade them on time.

The gorilla was focused on the blades and failed to notice Joey who had already leaped with her spear ready.

She stabbed the gorilla's head, killing it instantly.

Declan also killed the second gorilla without much trouble.

Nathan had already killed the first one with his sword.

Lena kept all the bodies inside the space ring and they continued walking.

The soft breeze in the forest accompanied them as they killed more gorillas.

[Points needed to level up: 250/300]

"I just need to kill two more gorillas," Nathan thought.

He saw Declan, Joey and Lena looking at a spot in the ground.

"This spot is somehow soft," Joey said.

Nathan used his foot to press the particular spot on the ground and it was soft.

"Just lea~"

Nathan was about to tell them to leave it but it was too late.

Lena pressed the spot too hard and the ground beneath her broke.

"Aghhh," Lena screamed as she fell inside.

"LENA!!" Joey shouted and immediately jumped inside the hole.

"Na-Nathan, let's save them," Declan said and jumped inside the hole without even waiting for Nathan's reply.

An annoyed look appeared on Nathan's face.

"What is the meaning of this?!" He thought.

"Tch.. damn it," Nathan said and jumped inside the hole.

He looked down and could see the hard floor.

The place he was now was looking like a cave with rocky walls.

He looked behind him and saw the three of them standing with their mouths wide open.

He followed their line of sight and saw the reason they were shocked.

Standing not too far from them was a gorilla with black fur. It was about 8 feet tall and it had a huge body.

Its menacing red eyes looked like it was staring directly into their soul.

Nathan's watch suddenly beeped and he looked at the words written on it.

"Upper Rank Beast."

The most shocking thing were the tattoos on the gorilla's body, making it look more menacing.

Tattoos has never been seen on a beast before.

"Shit.. we're trapped," Nathan muttered.


[Hey guys, please support me with power stones, golden tickets, gifts and comments. Thanks alot.]