Rogue Beast: Berserk Gorilla.

"Shit.. we're trapped," Nathan muttered.

A system notification suddenly appeared in front of him.


[Kill the rogue beast, Berserk Gorilla]

[Reward 1: 600 points]

[Reward 2: ??]

"Rouge beast?" Nathan thought but he quickly focused on the huge gorilla again.

The cave was big but Nathan knew they were trapped because he couldn't see any escape route.

"We have to use the teleportation orb," Joey said with sweat running down her face.

The gorilla was staring at them with its menacing red eyes and it didn't attack which made them confused but a little bit relieved.

"Unknown rewards are usually good just like the training space," Nathan thought.

He now had to make a decision to escape with them or to fight the beast.

"Don't even think about staying," Joey said while looking at Nathan.

"The strength gap is much, we stand no chance," Declan said.

While they were talking, Lena had already brought out the teleportation orb from her space ring.

"W-We have to escape," Lena said with the teleportation orb on her hand.

She was sweating buckets and the reason was clear.

Only the red eyes of the gorilla was enough to instill fear.

As Nathan was about to talk, the gorilla's mouth suddenly moved.

The gorilla looked at Lena, making her freeze in fear.


The gorilla's roar shaked the walls of the cave.

The wind generated from the roar flung the teleportation orb from Lena's hand, sending it flying to the end of the cave.

"Shit..what do we do?" Declan asked.

"We have no other choice but to kill this beast," Nathan said as he prepared his sword.

"Lena, you have to snap out of it, if not we'll die here," Joey said to the dazed Lena who wasn't moving.

Lena finally moved and the blades appeared on her hands.

"I'll try my best," Lena said as she gripped her fan blades tight.

The gorilla suddenly raised its arms.

"Has it been waiting for us to finish talking?" Nathan thought.

The gorilla didn't swing its arms instead they elongated.

The gorilla's arms suddenly stretched down towards Nathan and Declan with immense speed.

Nathan evaded the fist by jumping to the right.

Before the gorilla could retract its arm, Nathan slashed it but only a scratch was left on the arm.

Declan also punched the gorilla's other arm with his beast-like arm but the gorilla wasn't affected.

Lena summoned more of her fan blades and threw them in the air.

They started spinning rapidly and they surrounded the gorilla, attacking it from all directions.

Small cuts appeared on the gorilla's body but they weren't deep enough to be a significant injury.

Joey's snow spikes could barely even leave a scratch on its body.

"It has a high defence," Nathan muttered.

"There must be a way," Declan said.

"Joey, attack from the middle with Lena."

"Declan and I will attack from the left and right side," Nathan said.

Joey nodded in response and prepared to attack.

The gorilla suddenly opened its mouth and they all knew what was coming.

Nathan summoned an earth wall and Joey also summoned a snow wall that covered she and Lena.

Declan's body was covered in scales that gave him a boost in defence.

The gorilla roared ferociously causing the wind to rage.

The wind didn't affect Nathan much because of the earth wall in front of him.

Joey and Lena were also protected because of the snow wall.

The scales on Declan's body allowed him to stand still even with the force of the wind.

"Are you ready?" Joey asked Lena.

"Yes," she replied.

As soon as the wind calmed down, the snow wall shattered and Lena stood up with lots of fan blades above her.

Joey dashed towards the gorilla. Snow started coating her spear, making it more durable and sharper.

Nathan also didn't waste time. He ran towards the gorilla and leaped up with his sword coated in a rainbow colored energy.

He swung his sword and a slash left it.

The slash left a huge cut on the gorilla's right shoulder, making it roar in pain.

Declan's legs reduced in size, increasing his speed.

He dashed towards the gorilla and leaped up.


With his enlarged fist that was covered in brown fur, he punched the gorilla's left shoulder.

At the same time, Joey swung her spear towards the gorilla's stomach, leaving a gash on it.

Lena's blades also struck the gorilla, giving it scratches on its body.

"We can do this," Joey said.

The gorilla swung its arm towards Nathan who was ready to dodge.

But the direction of the arm suddenly changed and moved towards Lena who was behind them.

Lena couldn't evade on time and the arm hit her, sending her crashing on the cave wall.

"LENA!!" Joey screamed.

She lost focus and didn't notice that the gorilla's arm was heading towards her.

"Shit..I won't get there in time," Declan said.

Nathan ran towards Joey but he knew he wouldn't reach her in time.

[Fire accelerate]

He activated the fire accelerate skill, giving him a boost in speed.

Before the arm reached Joey, Nathan grabbed her and rolled on the ground, evading the arm.

"Lena, Lena!!" Joey kept shouting.

Nathan left her and focused on the gorilla.

"There's something behind it," Nathan muttered.

"Declan, can you hold it back for some seconds?" Nathan asked.

"I'll try," Declan said.

Nathan rushed behind the gorilla and saw two golden furred gorillas on the ground.

They were moving slowly, showing that they were still alive.

Nathan didn't know how they got here but he knew that he would get points from them.

He needed 50 points to level up and one golden furred gorilla gave 25 points.

He slashed the neck of the golden furred gorillas and instantly, a system notification appeared.

[Congratulations, you are now level 5]

[You have gained 3 stat points]

[You ha....]

Lots of notifications appeared but only one caught Nathan's attention.

[Rage skill has leveled up]

"This'll definitely be helpful," Nathan thought.

Declan managed to evade the gorilla's arm once more.

He was tired and could feel his body falling down.

Nathan appeared in front of him and dropped his body carefully.

"You've done well," Nathan muttered.

He looked at the gorilla and without wasting time, he activated rage.

His body started vibrating and he could feel the strength rising within him.

The system screen showed another message.

[Blood flow: 0/100]

The gorilla's arms moved back and it suddenly jerked its arms forward.

With immense speed, the gorilla started smashing its hands on the ground, causing debris to fly around.

The blood flow bar was increasing and it seemed to increase more as the debris were hitting Nathan.

[Blood flow: 100/100]

[Do you want to use blood flow?]

Nathan didn't know what it was but he activated it and his strength increased again.

Red energy seeped out from his body and he felt a new kind of strength.


Nathan dodged the gorilla's fists swiftly, his movement fluid and smooth while also evading the debris.

He was steadily approaching the gorilla while dodging the fists.

Nathan slid under the gorilla's fist and leaped up, landing on the gorilla's left arm.

He dashed towards its head with immense speed.

The gorilla roared in anger and tried to shake off Nathan but it wasn't possible.

Nathan reached its neck and gripped his sword tightly.

"It's time for you to…..die," Nathan said.

He moved all his ability energy into the sword, making it glow brightly.

"Aghhh," Nathan shouted.

He swung it and the slash left the sword, separating the gorilla's head from its body.

The gorilla's lifeless body fell on the ground and Nathan also fell down tiredly with it.

"It's over," Nathan muttered.

His claws elongated and he stabbed the gorilla's arm.

He started draining blood and at the same time, Declan was standing up.