Lena's gratitude.

[Blood oath: Using blood as a medium, an oath can be formed that cannot be broken under any circumstances]

"Now this is a good skill," Nathan said with a light smile.

"Stretch out your hand," Nathan said to Declan.

"Why?" Declan asked curiously.

"Just do it," Nathan said.

Declan stretched out his right hand and Nathan made a little cut on his finger.

He also made a cut on his own finger and blood seeped out.

He placed his finger on top Declan's finger and their blood came in contact.

Nathan activated the blood oath skill and asked Declan to repeat after him.

The oath was that Declan wouldn't tell anyone about what he knew about Nathan, or else he would die.

A small glow appeared on Declan's blood before disappearing after some seconds.

"It's okay now," Nathan said.

"Now you can trust me," Declan said.

Nathan also did the same with Joey.

The blood oath skill didn't take any blood energy and it was a very useful skill.

Nathan looked at Lena and walked towards her.

Her claws were still elongated and her face was filled with sweat.

"Do you want blood?" Nathan asked.

Lena nodded her head in reply.

Nathan pointed towards the gorilla and Lena slowly stood up.

She walked towards the gorilla and digged her claws into its arm.

Blood flowed into her body, making her close her eyes.

Joey and Declan could only look in silence as they saw Lena absorbing the gorilla's blood.

"Enough," Nathan said.

Lena let go of the gorilla and her claws retracted.

Her injuries were fully healed after absorbing blood.

"W-What happened?" She asked in confusion.

She looks at the three of them, demanding an explanation.

Nathan glanced at Joey and she immediately knew what he wanted.

"Lena, I'll explain everything," Joey calmly said.

Lena slowly walked towards Joey.

They both sat on the ground and Joey started narrating everything that happened including how Nathan saved both of them in the forest.

Lena's expression changed with each word that Joey said.

Lena looked at Nathan after Joey finished talking.

Tears silent flowed down her eyes as she looked at her hands before looking at Nathan.

"There's nothing I can say that'll be enough to thank you," Lena said while sobbing.

It was the first time Joey has seen Lena like this.

She has always been a cheerful girl and was always smiling and sometimes she was a little annoying.

The fact that she thanked Nathan for saving her life was a proof that she was really appreciative.

"It's okay but just know that you're not a human anymore," Nathan said.

Lena nodded her head in reply.

Nathan has saved her life not just once but twice and deep down in her heart, she felt utmost gratitude.

Nathan sat down near Lena and started telling her some things she needed to know as a vampire.

"You now have blood energy inside and you'll have to learn how to use it," Nathan said.

"Blood energy?" Lena asked.

"It's an energy that vampires use," Nathan replied.

"So they're other vampires somewhere," Declan thought.

"Close your eyes and try to sense your ability energy," Nathan said.

Lena closed her eyes and followed Nathan's instruction.

Sensing ability energy was something they usually did in class so it wasn't that hard for Lena.

"There's a red energy near it," Lena muttered.

"That's the blood energy," Nathan said.

"Try to move it closer to your ability energy," he added.

After some seconds, Lena moved the blood energy closer.

Siena was the one telling Nathan all the instructions he was giving to Lena.

"Now try to cover your blood energy with your ability energy."

Nathan felt that the connection he felt with Lena could fasten the process.

He moved closer to Lena and touched her back.

"Just concentrate," Nathan said.

Lena was surprised because she could concentrate better which was something she couldn't do very well before.

Nathan closed his eyes and focused on the connection he felt with Lena.

He went deeper and deeper into it and he could suddenly feel two energies which weren't his own.

One of them was blue and the other one was red.

He could feel the red one getting smaller and entering the blue one.

"She's doing it, she just needs a little push ," Nathan thought.

He focused on the red energy and felt that he could move it closer to the blue one, which he did.

In a matter of seconds, the blue energy covered the red one and Nathan opened his eyes.

"I did it," Lena said.

"The sun won't affect you," Nathan said.

Lena now understood why Nathan told her to cover her blood energy.

"There's still some things you need to know," Nathan said.

"You need to learn how to control the urge for blood," he added.

"Uhm…how?" Lena asked.

"Always try to resist it anytime it shows up," Nathan replied.

That was the only answer he could give now.

"Resisting it helps you control your urge for blood," Nathan said.

"Ugh…this is gonna be a drag. I'll have to watch her closely," Nathan thought.


"It's down here," a man with a bald head said while looking at a hole.

His sword was stained with the blood of golden furred gorillas and he had a thoughtful look on his face.

He was also holding a circular object that was beeping.

"Something is wrong," the man said.

It wasn't recorded that there was a hole in area 19," he added.

The changes in areas were usually recorded to avoid accidents but there was no record of a hole in area 19.

"Maybe it wasn't noticed or it was just formed," the man thought before jumping inside the hole.

He landed swiftly on the ground and looked around him.

He saw two boys and two girls who were sitting on the ground.

"Ah…you guys are safe," the man said but he suddenly froze after seeing the body of a dead huge gorilla that had tattoos on its body.

"What the hell happened here?!"