A bigger threat

"Ah…you guys are safe," the man said but he suddenly froze after seeing the body of a dead huge gorilla that had tattoos on its body.

"What the hell happened here?!"

The bald-headed man's name was Isaac, who was one of the academy staff specially employed to track destroyed teleportation orbs.

The body of the huge gorilla surprised him but the most shocking thing was the tattoos on its body.

"Did you guys kill it?" He asked.

They all looked at Isaac before Nathan replied.

"Yes," Nathan said.

"What is going on in area 19?" Isaac thought.

At first it was an unrecorded hole now it's a beast with tattoos which has never been seen.

"Let's go," Isaac said.

Lena walked towards the huge gorilla and the two golden furred gorillas and put their bodies inside her space ring.

Isaac touched the ring he was wearing and a teleportation orb appeared.

The happenings in area 19 was certainly something serious and he needed to report it right away.

Nathan looked round the cave before walking towards Isaac.

They all held each other's hand and Isaac activated the teleportation orb making them disappear from the cave.

They appeared in a room filled with different gadgets that Nathan didn't even know their uses.

"Please follow me," Isaac said.

They walked outside the room and after scanning everywhere, Nathan realized it was the ASC building.

"Sit here, I'll be right back," Isaac said while gesturing for them to sit.

He walked towards the counter where Finn was standing and they started discussing.

Lena looked uncomfortable and there was a slight frown on her face.

"Is everything okay?" Nathan asked.

He had to always keep an eye on her because she was no longer human.

"Yes, it's just the…."

Lena didn't finish what she was about to say but Nathan already knew.

"Don't worry, it'll go with time," Nathan said.

Since Lena's senses increased, she could hear too many things and it was somehow affecting her.

"Okay," Lena said.

She tried her best to ignore it and focus on Joey who was about to say something.

"I'm still so weak," Joey muttered.

"Joey, we've talked about this," Lena said.

"I know but it still hurts," Joey replied.

Nathan and Declan didn't have a single clue about what they were talking about.

"What's going on?" Declan asked.

Joey sighed before she started explaining.


Nathan and Declan finally understood after Joey finished explaining.

Joey's elder sister, Mia, was a very strong gifted, making her popular in the stronghold.

Even before earth changed, she was strict and always scolded Joey for not doing the right thing.

Before Mia left Vina city, she told Joey not to call or meet her until she becomes strong enough to reach her level.

"Try your best, you'll certainly reach her level," Declan said.

"Thanks," Joey said with a smile.

"I don't even have a family. They all died in the war against the rouge humans," Declan said with a distant look on his face.

"I'm so sorry," Joey said.

Orphans were easy to come by because the rogue humans killed alot of people.

A thought entered Nathan's head but he decided to ignore it.

Lena didn't even need to say anything. Her space ring alone was enough to show that she was from a rich home.

Nathan saw Isaac signalling for them to come and they all went to the counter.

Finn and Nathan glared at each other making the atmosphere awkward.


Isaac coughed lightly to grab their attention before speaking.

"Can you guys tell us how you defeated the beast?" Isaac asked.

Nathan didn't plan on lying about it so he simply answered.

"We just killed it using our skills," Nathan said.

"I know that but how did the battle go?" Finn asked in an annoyed tone.

"Tch..how do you expect us to remember the details of the battle?" Nathan asked.

Isaac could sense that Nathan was already getting annoyed.

"Okay, one last question. What skills did the beast use?" Isaac asked.

This time, Joey was the one that answered.

"It could elongate its arms and it also had a destructive roar," Joey said.

"Okay, thanks for your time. You can go now," Isaac said with a smile.

Nathan stared at Finn before they all left the ASC building.

"The huge gorilla is a serious issue," Declan said.

"Yeah, the tattoos on its body is the same as the one rogue humans have," Lena said.

"Something is definitely going on and I'm sure the rogue humans have a hand in this," Joey said.

While they were discussing, Nathan was communicating with Siena.

"Sara is planning something," Siena said.

"If this continues, the beasts will pose a much bigger threat," Nathan said.

The rogue humans were a much bigger threat than the beasts but if more beasts with tattoos appear like the huge gorilla, then the beasts will have to be taken more seriously.

Nathan looked ahead and saw that they were walking towards Felix's shop.

"Hey kids," Felix said after seeing them.

They greeted him and Lena brought out the bodies of the beasts from her space ring.

"What is that?!"

Felix was shocked just like Isaac after seeing the huge gorilla.

"Its a beast we killed in area 19," Declan said.

"Have you guys reported it?" Felix asked.

"Yes, it'll be taken care of," Joey said even though she was unsure.

"Unfortunately, this beast can't be used," Felix said.

"Its heart has already been polluted," he added.

"Shit..a good weapon would have been made from it," Nathan thought.

"I can still use its bone to upgrade your weapons," Felix said.

"It'll make them more durable," he added.

"Oh.. that'll be nice," Lena said.

She brought all their weapons out of her space ring and gave them to Felix.

"It won't take long," Felix said before entering his shop to begin the process.

They all looked at the golden furred gorillas on the floor. It was time to split them.

Joey glanced at Declan and Lena and they both nodded their head.

"Nathan, you saved our lives in that cave, we don't deserve a share in this," Joey said.

Nathan looked at the golden furred gorillas.

"They're twenty," Nathan thought.

"It's okay, I'll take fifteen, you guys can take the remaining ones," Nathan said.

After some minutes, Felix came out with their weapons.

"They're more durable now, those bones are strong," Felix said.

"I'll take the remaining bones as payment," he added while wiping the sweat off his face.

"I want to sell fifteen of these gorillas," Nathan said.

"Hmm…they're half-step upper rank. That'll be 500 energy stones for each," Felix said.

Nathan was already expecting that price.

Upper rank weapons were one thousand energy stones so it was reasonable for half-step upper rank beasts to be sold for 500 energy stones.

Felix kept the fifteen gorillas inside his space ring and gave Nathan 7500 energy stones.

"That'll be all for today," Nathan said.

"I'm sure everything is okay for now," Nathan thought while looking at Lena.

After thanking him once more, they all went to their different direction.

Nathan fell on his bed after entering his room.

He was feeling a bit tired but he decided to freshen up first.

After freshening up, he sat down on his bed with a smile on his face.

It was time to look at his rewards.

[Quest complete]

[You have gained the following rewards]