New teaching project

After freshening up, he sat down on his bed with a smile on his face.

It was time to look at his rewards.

[Quest complete]

[You have gained the following rewards]

[600 points for completing the quest]

[200 bonus points for defeating a special beast]

[Points needed to level up: 800/800]

[Congratulations, you are now level 6]

[You have gained 3 stat points]

"So the gorilla is a special beast," Nathan thought.

[You have gained new skills]

Nathan opened his skill tab to check out his new skills.

[Earth slash: Earth elemental energy is condensed on the host's sword and can be released in form of a slash]

[Cost: Five ability energy for one slash]

"It's just like my sword's skill."

[Fire sword: After activating this skill, a fire sword is formed on the host's hand]

[Cost: One ability energy for every second the skill is active]

Nathan remembered that this was one of the skills Josh used.

He saw the blood oath skill but he had already seen its description.

Then he saw his rage skill but there was something underneath it.

[Blood flow: When the rage skill is active, energy is gathered in the blood and it can be released when it gets to a certain stage]

"That was the countdown you were seeing when you were fighting the gorilla," Siena said.

"This is another boost in strength," Nathan thought.

"Now for my stats."

Nathan now had six stat points, he got three when he leveled up in the cave and the other three from reaching level 6.

He added two points in agility and one point in defence. He added the remaining three in stamina.

Nathan looked at his stats.


[Name: Nathan Langley]

[Age: 17]

[Race: Vampire]

[Level: 6]

[Points: 0/1000]

[Health point: 75/75]

[Strength: 16]

[Agility: 17]

[Defence: 20]

[Stamina: 22]

[Ability Energy: 50/50]

[Blood Energy: 55/55]

"The points needed to level up increased." Nathan sighed.

Nathan lied down in his bed and went to the training space tab.

He tapped enter and he was back to the familiar white space.

He trained with the mannequins which were getting stronger and stronger.

After some hours, he left the training space and started releasing his ability energy in his room.

He knew the elemental spirits would boost his strength so he decided to be serious about it.

"Just keep doing this frequently and you'll see the result,' Siena said.

Nathan now had alot of things to do. Training space, summoning elemental spirits, creating skills and now he had to keep an eye on Lena.

"Huff…I just have to continue," Nathan thought.


"What's so urgent that all the staffs have to be present?" Jagger thought while walking towards the end of the hallway.

He was taking a break in a restaurant in the academy when a urgent meeting was called.

He opened the door and saw that almost all the academy staffs were gathered in the huge room.

He glanced at Finn who was at the other end of the room.

After some minutes all the staffs were in the room and Orion also entered.

Orion cleared his throat before speaking.

"This meeting had to be called because the matter on ground is very serious."

"A gorilla beast with tattoos like that of the rouge humans was killed in area 19 by some students," Orion said.


"How did a beast get tattoos?"

The staffs were murmuring because it was a shocking news.

"How the hell did tattoos appear on a beast?" Jagger thought.

Orion pressed the red button of the remote he was holding and a image was suddenly projected onto the room.

Isaac was able to get a photo of the beasts before Lena kept it in her space ring.

"This is the image of the beast," Orion said.

The murmurs continued as soon as the image appeared.

"All of you present here knows that this is a very serious issue," Orion said.

"If this continues, the beasts will be as powerful as the rogue humans," he added.

"What do we do now?" One of the teachers asked.

"Students and staffs have to be careful when going to areas now and there's also another thing."

"It's time to speed up the teaching process," Orion said.

"But some of the students have not been able to make skills yet," another teacher said.

The other teachers nodded their head in agreement.

"They'll be able to create skills faster if we start the new teaching project," Orion said.

"But wo~"

The teachers were about to argue but Orion cut them off.

"That's my final decision,'' Orion said sternly.

They couldn't say anything anymore. They had to follow the instructions.

The same type of meeting was being held in the other academies in the stronghold.

The teachers had no other choice but to prepare theirselves for the"new teaching project"

"This year's gonna be tough." Jagger sighed.


Joey and Lena were sitting on the bed in a lotus position.

Their eyes were closed and their body didn't even move showing that they were in deep concentration.

Joey's eyes snapped open and a smile bloomed on her face.

"Finally…I did it," Joey said.

She finally succeeded in creating a new skill. She was now a middle rank gifted.

"I can feel that it's almost created, I just need a few days,'' Lena said after opening her eyes.

"Yeah, then you'll also be a middle rank gifted," Joey said.

"My concentration is unbelievable,'' Lena thought.

"Guess we'll continue," Joey said and they both continued the skill creation process.


Celine had a grin on her face as she looked at the image of the huge tattooed gorilla.

"After all these years, it's finally happening," Celine said.

"Is it time?" The masked girl asked.

"No, we just have to wait. It won't take long again," Celine replied.

The teachers prepared, Nathan trained, Celine still had a grin on her face and everyone was doing what they usually did.

The atmosphere was okay but the ones who knew about the tattooed gorilla surely knew that it won't stay like that for long.