Rogue Human.

Nathan looked at himself in the mirror with a blank look on his face.

His blue hair was neat and he was wearing the academy's uniform.

"It's time to go."

He opened the door and walked out of his room.

It was Monday and classes were going to be held. Nathan spent sunday training. He fought mannequins in the training space and he also continued his skill creation process.

He also released his ability energy in his room to be able to attract elemental spirits.

Nathan got to his class and sat down at the back as usual.

Jagger walked into the class and cleared his throat before speaking.

"Before we start, I want to let you all know that training will be different," Jagger said.

The students were confused because they were not informed of the change in training.

"Follow me," Jagger said while walking out of the class.

The students quickly followed him and they arrived in a spacious room.

The room was empty and it could fit all of them. A large space still remained even after they entered.

There was an iron door at the far end of the room that had some buttons on it.

Jagger walked to the middle of the room and he brought out a circular object.

"This is a new method the academy has decided to use to train you all," Jagger said.

He pressed the button on the circular object and a screen was suddenly projected onto the room.

"Your names will be displayed randomly on this screen and the last two names that appears will walk to the open space," Jagger said.

The screen suddenly started displaying the names of the students in the room and after some seconds it stopped and two names were displayed.

"Ella Hayes and Tiana Pierce."

They both walked to the open space and a barrier suddenly surrounded them.

"What is happening?" Ella asked curiously.

"It se~" Tiana was about to say something but Jagger's voice was suddenly heard.

"Training has started," Jagger said.

"I can't do anything about it," Jagger thought with a sigh.

Orion's decision was final and he had no choice but to obey.

Suddenly, the iron door opened and something came out…. something that everyone never wants to see in their lives.

It was something that they dreaded…. something that instilled fear in their hearts.

It was a rogue human.

There was a little opening in the barrier that was directly in front of the iron door so the rogue human entered the barrier.

The rogue human had the body of a male human but it was a bit bigger.

It had lots of tattoos on its body and its claws were sharp like a sword.

It had yellow eyes and it was growling like a beast. It was not emanating a very strong aura but the students outside the barrier froze in fear.

Tears were already dripping from Ella's eyes and Tiana just stood like a doll.

"What is going on?" Nathan thought.

"If you guys don't attack, you'll get killed," Jagger said.

Tiana snapped out of her daze and started shaking Ella.

"We have to attack it together," Tiana said in a shaky voice.

Ella nodded her head and chains with sharp tips suddenly appeared on her arms.

They wrapped around her arms and extended to her hands.

Meanwhile, Tiana's eyes glowed blue and she stood close to Ella.

They were both half-step middle rank gifted but they had to give it their all.

The Rogue Human leapt towards Ella, but Tiana's eyes suddenly emitted a blue laser beam that struck the Rogue Human mid-air.

The rogue human fell on the ground and Ella took the chance to attack but as she swung her chains, the rogue human wasn't in the same spot again.


She heard Tiana's scream behind her and she turned but the claws of the rogue human was directly in front of her face.

The rogue human's claws were the last thing she saw before blacking out.

The students screamed as they saw the blood inside the barrier. The rogue human kept growling and walking like a wild beast.

"Something is wrong. I can feel it," Nathan thought.

He was able to sense something about the barrier that he didn't understand.

"Enough," Jagger said.

The barrier suddenly went down and the rogue human was nowhere to be found but what surprised everyone was that Ella and Tiana were standing perfectly fine in the room without a single injury on their bodies.

Jagger stood in front of the students with his hands behind his back.

"This is how training will be from now on. If you don't want to get killed, put more effort in your skill creation," Jagger said.

"But how are the both of them fine?" A student asked.

The student suddenly froze as Jagger stared at him with chilly eyes.

"Do you really wanna know?" Jagger asked.

"N-No," the student stammered.

"You all can go now. Training will resume tomorrow so come prepared," Jagger said.

The students walked out of the room with one thought in mind.

"I'm going to train."

"At least the good side of it is that they'll be more diligent with training," Jagger thought as he watched all of them leave.

Nathan left the building with Declan and Joey walking beside him.

"He didn't tell us how those girls were fine," Declan said.

"And the training method also changed abruptly," Joey said.

"He doesn't want us to know. There must be a reason for that," Nathan said.

He saw Lena walking towards them with a confused look on her face.

"Our training method has changed," Lena said as soon as she reached them.

"Yeah, it changed for all the classes," Declan said.

They talked about it for some time before Nathan went back to his room.

"I don't know the rank of the rogue human," Nathan thought.

He sat in a lotus position and continued training. His name might be the last to appear tomorrow and he needed to be ready to face the rogue human.