
Nathan sighed as he looked at the two names displayed on the screen.

Nathan Langley and Evaine Compton.

Nathan and a girl with purple hair with a fringe that covered her left eye walked to the open space in the room.

They were both given swords made with beast bones.

"I can only use my earth element skills. This'll be tough," Nathan thought.

A barrier surrounded them and the iron door opened.

"Something is different," Nathan thought.

Immediately the barrier surrounded them, he could feel a change that he couldn't describe.

He looked outside the barrier and he could still see the students looking at them.

The students were silent and some were even shivering. They watched in silence as the rogue human walked into the barrier.

It had the same appearance as the one they saw yesterday.

Nathan glanced at the girl standing beside him. She took a stance with a fierce look on her face.

"Maybe…both of them can do something," Jagger thought.

Evaine was also an exceptional student in the class just like Nathan but she was a difficult person to speak with because of her cold personality.

Nathan took his stance and he was already prepared to use his earth element skills. A black substance enveloped Evaine's sword and they both looked at the incoming rogue human.


An explosion sound was heard as Evaine dashed towards the rogue human with her sword raised above her.

She swung her sword downwards, making the rogue human raise its claws in defence.

Sparks flew as her sword and the rogue human's claws clashed but an explosion sound was suddenly heard again.

The rogue human was thrown off balance and Nathan took that chance.

With a swift dash, he appeared beside the rogue human and swung his sword.

As Nathan's sword was about to make contact with its body, the rogue human suddenly bent its body backwards in a weird manner, evading the sword.

A wave of energy suddenly left the rogue human's body, making Nathan and Evaine leap back.

"They've not been defeated yet."

"Yeah, it's Nathan who fought with that dude in the training match."

"Evaine is also strong. They might be able to defeat it."

"I don't think so. Even the low rank rogue humans are powerful."

The students were discussing about the battle that was taking place and some of them were having hopes after seeing Nathan and Evaine hold their ground.

This time, the rogue human attacked first.

With immense speed, the rogue human dashed towards Nathan with its right claw outstretched.

Nathan quickly summoned an earth shield, blocking the claw.

Another explosion sound was heard behind the rogue human. Evaine had already reached its back and she swung her sword.

The rogue human was about to bend its body again but Nathan held its arms.

"You're not doing that," Nathan said.

The sword touched its back and the explosion sound was heard again.

The rogue human landed roughly at the other end of the barrier.

"It's not over yet," Jagger thought.

The rogue human stood up with a injury on its back.

The injury suddenly started healing. It was closing at a fast rate and another thing was also happening.

The muscles on the rogue human's body were getting bigger and its eyes became more menacing.

The students eyes couldn't leave the rogue human as it transformed into a more monstrous form.

It growled menacingly while staring at Nathan and Evaine angrily.


Before Evaine could react, the rogue human was directly in front of her.

She raised her sword to defend but it was too late. Her body hit the barrier from the force of the rogue human's punch.

"Ugh," Evaine groaned in pain.

Earth spikes appeared above Nathan and they raced towards the rogue human, keeping it occupied.

Nathan glanced at Evaine who was stretching her sword towards Nathan.

Nathan held her sword that was enveloped with a black substance and she stretched out her hand and touched Nathan's sword.

A black substance came out of her hand and enveloped Nathan's sword. Nathan was now holding two swords that was enveloped with the black substance.

"I'll support from here," Evaine said with little blood dripping down her mouth.

Nathan shifted his attention back to the rogue human that just finished getting rid of the spikes. He dashed towards it with his sword ready to strike.


Explosion and clanging sounds were made as Nathan's swords and the rogue human's claws clashed.

The rogue human growled and swung its claws rapidly. Nathan blocked the claws with incredible speed.

The rogue human was slowly being pushed back from Nathan's defence.

Nathan noticed that the explosion was only made when the black substance came in contact with the rogue human.


The rogue human raised both of its arm and swung them down which was a wrong move.


Nathan slashed the rogue human's arm before it could drop it.

A small gash appeared on its arm, making it groan in pain.

The rogue human suddenly retaliated with a fast punch but Nathan had already summoned an earth wall that blocked the punch.

The earth wall shattered and Nathan swung his swords but the rogue human wasn't in front of him again.

A wave of energy hit Nathan, sending him flying towards the barrier.

Jagger and the students watched in anticipation as the battle continued.

Nathan twisted his body mid-air and stepped on the barrier. Using the force and adding ability energy to his legs, he blasted himself towards the rogue human with his swords crossed.

[Earth slash]

A brown energy covered the swords and he swung them, letting out two sword shaped slash.


The rouge human blocked the first slash but the second one followed.


The rogue human couldn't defend itself against it and its head was cut off in an instant.

"Wait..he killed it?!"

Immediately the barrier went down, Nathan and Evaine came out without a single scratch on their bodies.

The students cheered happily. It was as if another training match took place.

Suddenly, Evaine picked up her sword and pointed it at Nathan.
