

The battle just ended and Evaine suddenly pointed her sword at Nathan which made everyone confused.

Nathan stared at Evaine calmly without a single hint of fear on his face.

Jagger didn't say anything. He just watched to see what would happen.

They stared at each other for some seconds before Evaine put her sword back on her waist. With a serious look on her face, she walked back to join the students.

Nathan just shrugged and didn't think too much about it. He also walked back to join the students.

"You both did a good job but train harder because there will be far more stronger rogue humans," Jagger said.

"It's time for the next selection."

More battles took place and some of them were able to hold their ground before they were defeated while some couldn't even attack because of fear.

Some were defeated in an instant. The rogue human's claws already reached some before they could even use their skills.

Joey was paired with another girl and they were able to land some hits on the rogue human. They tried their best but at the end, they were defeated.

Declan and his partner had one of the toughest battle against the rouge human. They were winning the battle but they became eventually tired. The rogue human had more stamina so they were defeated.

The way the battles were going made the students look at Nathan and Evaine with even more astonishment.

Jagger noticed that some of the students improved and he knew that it was because of the new style of training.

"That'll be all for today. You all can go now," Jagger said.

"That battle was insane," Declan said while they were coming out of the training room.

Nathan just nodded his head. The undescribable feeling of the barrier was still on his mind.

"I'm pretty sure it's an artifact," Nathan thought.

"There are lots of artifacts so it's possible," Siena said.

Nathan was lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice Joey and Lena who had joined the conversation.

As they were all talking, a boy suddenly walked past them and hit Joey with his shoulder.

Joey staggered and almost fell down but Nathan caught her on time.

The boy continued walking like nothing happened but before he could take another step, Lena held his wrist tightly.

"Apologize," Lena said sternly with anger clearly written on her face.

"What!? Let go of me!" The boy aggressively said.

"Apologize now!!" Lena hardened her grip and twisted the boy's wrist.

"Uhm…Lena, I'm fine," Joey said.

"No, he mu~"

"It's okay, Lena." Nathan cut her off.

"Tch." Lena released the boy's wrist with a annoyed look on her face.

"I wo~"

The boy suddenly stopped talking when he felt a pair of cold eyes staring at him.

He slowly turned towards Nathan and after seeing his eyes, he ran away in fear.

Nathan didn't want Lena to cause a commotion if not he would have left her to do what she wanted.

Nathan remembered when someone stepped on his foot without apologizing and it didn't end well.

"I gave that guy a good beating," Nathan thought.

"Lena isn't like this. What happened?" Joey thought.

Lena and Joey were close friends but Lena wasn't the aggressive type so this came as a surprise to Joey.

"Or is it because…..?" Joey didn't voice out her thoughts. She just decided to watch Lena more closely.


In a room that had clear white walls and a huge rectangular table in the middle, twenty individuals were sitting on the black-coloured chairs that were neatly arranged.

Some of them were using their phones while some were tapping the table with their fingers.

With a glance, one could tell that they were all waiting for something…or someone.

Orion was among the individuals that were sitting down and he wore a black suit with his hair neatly styled.

He was staring daggers at a man with white hair who was sitting at the other end of the table.

They were both locked in a staring contest with none of them refusing to remove their eyes.

The door suddenly opened, making all of them arrange themselves.

Beautiful…that was the only thing that was on their minds after seeing the lady that entered the room but they didn't dare to stare at her lustfully.

Blue gown that reached the floor, beautiful blonde hair and mesmerizing blue eyes.

She had nicely shaped nose and a graceful body that could make any man drool.

A girl that also has blonde hair and blue eyes walked behind the lady but she was wearing a mask that covered her face.

Everyone in the room stood up at once as soon as she entered the lady entered the room.

She sat down on the chair directly in front of them and the masked girl stood behind her.

"Good to see you, lady Celine." They all said in unision.

Celine had a sweet smile on her face as she replied.

"It's okay. Sit down."

"How is the new teaching project going?" Celine asked.

"It's going well. The student now train more," Orion said.

The rest of them all gave their answers about the new teaching project.

"Good. I called this meeting to pass out a very important message," Celine said.

The door suddenly opened and five individuals walked in.

They all wore black cloaks which made it hard to see their face.

If one looked closely, they would see different tattoos on the wrist of the individuals.

The first one had the tattoo of a moon. The second one had the tattoo of a star.

The third one had the tattoo of a sun. The fourth one had the tattoo of two arrows. One of the arrows was pointing upwards while the other one was pointing downwards.

The last individual had the tattoo of a black hole that was about the size of a tennis ball.

They all bowed down in front of Celine with one knee on the ground.

"We beg for your forgiveness." They said in unision.

"It shouldn't repeat itself," Celine said sternly.

The bowed down again before standing at the right side of the room.

"Okay, this meeting was called because of someone."

"I believe you all know Nathan Langley."