Taste my power

Nathan got up curiously and walked to his window. He sniffed the air and noticed that the scent of blood was coming from the direction of the forest.

"What is going on there?" He thought as he jumped out from the window.

Nathan landed on the ground and got to the forest in a few seconds.

He continued following the scent till he reached the middle of the forest.

Standing in front of Nathan were two cloaked figures. Nathan noticed the tattoos on their wrist.

"Rogue humans? No, rogue humans have lots of tattoos but these ones have a single tattoo." Nathan thought.

"Hahaha, good thinking, Clark," Trent said with a grin on his face after seeing Nathan.

"He really has good senses," Clark said.

Nathan didn't know them but he knew that they spelt trouble.

Nathan was about to say something but he suddenly felt a murderous aura coming from the two figures in front of him.

It was so intense that Nathan was shocked and couldn't move. He felt like he would die any second.

"Legendary rank? No, ultimate control?" The aura he felt from them was certainly that of someone powerful.

Nathan wouldn't be surprised if they were both ultimate control gifted.

"With this, Celine won't look down on us," Trent said as both of them prepared to kill Nathan who was already moving.

"Running isn't an option here, but I won't go down without a fight," Nathan thought but he suddenly felt dizzy.

"Wh-What is ha~"

A red aura suddenly burst out from his body and he could feel his conciousness slipping away.

"What the hell is going on!!? Clark and Trent were confused because they suddenly couldn't move.

They tried their best to move their legs but it didn't budge.

Just a second ago, they were planning to kill Nathan and now they couldn't move.

"I think it's that red aura," Clark said while looking at Nathan.

Nathan was slowly loosing conciousness and something was also happening to Siena.

"I don't even…" Siena's voice trailed off and Nathan couldn't hear her voice again.

"Siena!! Nathan tried to shout but it didn't come out.

"What is happening?" Siena thought before she completely lost consciousness.

Nathan also lost consciousness but the next second, his eyes suddenly opened.

The air around him changed and he looked at his arms with a frown on his face.

Lena was feeling uncomfortable and her eyes snapped open. She could feel it…the connection she had with Nathan was shaking.

"Something is happening to him!!" She thought.

As she was about to stand up, she suddenly felt light and it was as if she wasn't in control of her body.

[A/N: Nathan isn't in control of his body but I will still call him Nathan to avoid confusion]

Nathan glanced at the direction of the girls dorm building before muttering.


Immediately, Lena lied down on the bed and fell asleep.

Nathan returned his attention to the two people in front of him.

"Both of you were the ones releasing that murderous aura, right?" Nathan asked with his gaze fixated on Trent.

"A single line of sweat dropped from Trent's face. Both him and Clark had the same thought in their minds.

"This isn't Nathan Langley."


After loosing conciousness, "Nathan" found himself being pulled by an invisible force.

After some minutes, he found himself floating in the sky but something was different.

The sky was red and even the clouds above him were red.

He remembered that in the nightmares he usually has, he also floats in the sky.

Red-coloured lightning started raining down from the clouds above him, making him panic.

But after some time, he noticed something. None of the lightning has hit him.

"It's like they're avoiding me," Nathan thought.

Nathan tried to move his body upwards and he was surprised that he could.

Even without wings, he was moving fast in the sky.

He decided to move towards the left first and after some minutes he hit something.

"What is this?" Nathan thought while looking at the space ahead of him.

He could still see red clouds and lightning but he couldn't move further.

He touched the invisible thing blocking him and it was soft but he couldn't break through it.

"It's like a barrier," Nathan thought.

He moved to where he was before and continued going to the right but the barrier was also there.

The same thing happened when he tried to move upwards and downwards.

"Where the hell am I?" Nathan thought.


In the real world, Nathan was staring at the two people in front of him.

Trent and Clark felt the aura he was emanating but they didn't back down.

"He's alone and we're together. We'll be able to win," Trent said, regaining his composure.

Clark became a little bit confident after hearing what Trent said and they both brought out their weapons from their space ring.

Trent held two daggers while Clark held a sword.

One glance at the weapons was enough to tell that they weren't low rank weapons.

"Hmm.. Judging from your auras, you both are pretty strong. This'll be a good warm up," Nathan said as red aura covered his hands.

"Huh!? What did you say?!" Trent said angrily.

With a nod, they both attacked.

Trent attacked from the left and Clark attacked from the right.

A grey ball sized moon appeared on Trent's hand and a white star that was about the size of a disc appeared on Clark's hand.

With incredible speed, they attacked Nathan.

With a bored expression on his face, Nathan stretched out both of his arms to the left and right side and pointed out his index fingers.


Trent and Clark's attacks were immediately stopped immediately they came in contact with Nathan's fingers.

"Wait… D-Did he just stop our attacks with his fingers?" Clark stammered.

Nathan had a smirk on his face as he slowly walked towards them.

"Ultimate control gifted, huh?"

Nathan smiled as he looked at them coldly.

"Taste my power."