One-sided Battle

"Taste my power."

Trent and Clark trembled in fear after hearing those words.

They could feel it.. this person was far more stronger than them.

With a smirk, Nathan attacked.

He dashed towards Trent's right side and swung his elongated claws.

Trent was shocked but he managed to summon a large moon in front of him on time.

The moon shattered immediately Nathan's claws touched it and his claws continued moving towards Trent.


Trent blocked the claws with his daggers causing sparks to fly.

Nathan turned back after hearing footsteps behind him.

Clark leaped towards Nathan with two stars in his hands and Trent also used the opportunity to summon a moon on his hand.

Even though two attacks were heading towards him, Nathan wasn't fazed.

Nathan suddenly spun his body with incredible speed and a red wave of aura left his body.

Before their attacks could reach him, they were pushed back by the wave.

"We've not been able to land a hit on him. What is going on?!" Clark thought.

The force of the wave removed the hood on their cloaks, revealing their faces.

Trent had short black hair and bushy eyebrows. His eyes were also black and a little bit big.

While Clark had long black hair with green eyes. He had a calm face unlike Trent whose face looked aggressive.

Clark dashed towards Nathan with his sword swinging down.

"Let me see how much I can do in this state." Nathan thought.

Clanging sounds were made as Nathan and Clark clashed.

Nathan was swinging his claws and Clark was blocking them with all his effort.

"His claws are stronger than my sword?"

Even with Trent attacking at the same time, they still weren't able to hit Nathan.

Trent and Clark leaped back at the same time, creating a distance. They looked at each other and nodded their heads.

In that same instant, the tattoos on their wrist glowed with a bright light that illuminated the forest.

Nathan didn't attack while all this was going on. He wanted to see what would happen after the light dimmed.

Suddenly, Trent and Clark's appearance started changing.

Trent's black hair and eyes turned grey while Clark's hair and eyes became white.

The aura they emanated changed, showing that they had a boost in strength.

Clark was the first to attack this time.

His sword had a white glow and with a significant increase in speed, he dashed towards Nathan and swung his sword.


Nathan blocked the strike with his claws and kicked Clark's stomach, sending him crashing into a tree.

"Ugh…" Clark groaned.

Trent decided to attack from distance.

He started swinging his daggers rapidly and half-moon shaped slashes left the daggers, heading towards Nathan.

"They're slow," Nathan said while looking at the incoming slashes.

He raised his right hand that was covered with a red aura and spikes were instantly formed.


The spikes instantly destroyed the slashes without resistance.

Clark stood up and went to Trent's side.

"I'll use my strongest skill. I'm sure he won't be able to withstand it," Clark said while looking at Nathan who was just staring at them.

With a nod, they both raised their hands and a bright light emerged.

Little stars and moons started appearing above their heads. They were numerous… they kept appearing one after the other.

"Take this," Trent said.

The numerous stars and moons rushed towards Nathan.

"Is this all you've got?" Nathan asked.

The stars and moons were already close to him but he suddenly raised his hand.

"He's going to use those spikes ag-" Trent immediately stopped talking.

Trent and Clark couldn't say a word about what they were seeing. They were expecting Nathan to summon spikes but instead he was doing another thing.

As the flurry of stars and moons rained down on Nathan, he started slapping them away as if he was driving flies.

"WHAT?!!" Trent and Clark both screamed in their minds.

With every slap, five stars and moons were destroyed.

"I thought these things will be a little bit stronger," Nathan said with a bored expression.

Clark mustered the courage to dash towards Nathan who just finished destroying the last stars.

"I'll kill you?!"

Clark leaped up and swung his sword but a shocked expression suddenly appeared on his face.


Nathan held his hands in place and he was suspended in the air.

"That's not the right way to attack," Nathan said.

He raised Clark's body high and suddenly…


He slammed Clark's body on the ground. His head hit the ground with immense force, killing him in an instant.

"Uh….uh…AGHHHH!!" Trent screamed.

Fear was written on Trent's face after seeing Clark dead. Desperately, he summoned more moons and sent them towards Nathan.

"Tch… don't you have stronger attacks?"

Nathan raised his right leg and slammed his foot on the ground, causing debris to rise.

Suddenly, the debris paused in the air and if one looked closely, they would notice that a red line of aura was covering all the debris.

Without warning, they clashed with the moons, destroying all of them in a second.

Nathan moved like a blur and instantly appeared in front of Trent.

In fear, Trent gathered all his energy in his fist and threw a punch.

"You're not suppose to throw a wild punch," Nathan said.

He tapped Trent's fist with his finger, changing the trajectory of the punch.

Because of his loss of balance, Trent stumbled forward and Nathan held his shoulder.

He stared directly into Trent's eyes, making him freeze.

"What is this feeling?"

Trent felt like Nathan was staring directly into his soul. He couldn't even move a muscle.

"I'm going to die."

"Goodbye," Nathan muttered.

He punched Trent's face, making his head pop like a balloon.

Trent fell on the ground… dead.


On the roof of a tall building, two people were standing with the chilly wind of the night making their hair flutter.

"So they disobeyed me, huh?"