Red clouds and lightning

Celine felt a deadly aura coming from the forest and immediately rushed towards that direction with the masked girl behind her.

Both of them were now standing on the roof of one of the many skyscrapers in the academy. They were looking at the forest from where they stood with the chilly wind of the night fluttering their blonde hair.

"So they disobeyed me, huh?"

Celine's face was calm but she was seething with rage inside.

"They're here," the masked girl muttered.

Three cloaked figures suddenly landed on the roof with their right knee on the floor.

"Alvin, how did this happen?" Celine asked sternly.

"We warned them," Alvin, the ball tattooed figure said.

"They didn't listen," he added.

"What about you, Ray? Even if they didn't listen to Alvin, they would have listened to you," Celine said while glaring at the arrow tattooed figure.

"They proved stubborn," Ray said.


Celine didn't bother to ask the sun tattooed figure because she was already expecting the same answer.

"How did Trent and Clark get killed? They were both at the ultimate control rank." Alvin thought.

It was certainly surprising because ultimate rank was the highest rank for gifted and yet, two of them were killed easily.

"I hope you all have seen the reason why I said you shouldn't touch that boy. Trent and Clark were killed without effort," Celine said.

Silence ensued for some seconds before Celine broke it.

"It seems like I've become too soft," Celine said.

Suddenly, the three figures felt an oppressive aura coming from Celine.

They were struggling to speak but it was impossible. They couldn't breathe, leaving them gasping for air.

The masked girl was also affected but she managed to touch Celine's shoulder.

The aura and the green glow in Celine's eyes left and she looked at the three figures that were still kneeling.

She glared at them one more time before jumping down from the building.

The masked girl also stared at the three figures before she followed Celine.

"Shit… see what those two idiots have caused," Alvin said in anger.

He jumped down from the building, leaving Ray and the sun tattooed figure behind.

They both stood up and looked at the forest.

"What do you think?" Ray asked.

"They were stubborn so they died."

"Tch… don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about," Ray said while rolling his eyes.

"Hmm.. I won't touch Nathan Langley but if Celine gives the order to eliminate him…. I'll do It myself.

"Hm.. alright."

Ray was about to jump down but he suddenly looked at him again.

"You still haven't stopped that habit of yours, right?" Ray sighed.

"No and I'm not stopping anytime soon," the sun tattooed figure said while pinching his cheeks.


A brown haired lady was sitting on her bed while looking at the glowing blue object on her hand.

"So they were saying the truth all this time," the lady said with a smile on her face.


"It seems you'll be needed soon," a lady said. She was sitting on the only chair present in the dark room with a boy knelling in front of her.

"I'll do anything to fulfill your wish, master," the boy said.

"Good, good, I hope you won't disappoint me?"

"No, master," the boy replied.


In the forest, Nathan was staring at the bodies with a thoughtful look on his face.

After some seconds, he bent down and stabbed the bodies with his claws. The blood was entering his body but it was as if he couldn't feel anything.

As he was draining their blood, their bodies were slowly turning into red ashes.

"I think it's up there," Nathan said while looking at the open window in the distance.

In an instant, he reached the foot of the building and jumped up, entering the room.

"This body isn't that bad," Nathan said while looking at himself in the mirror.

Suddenly, his body started shaking and a smile appeared on his face.

"He's coming back, I guess my time is up."

Nathan was still stuck in that space and he was looking for a way to leave but the barrier proved difficult to break.

He wasn't even sure that if he broke the barrier, he would be able to escape.

"How long have I been here?" Nathan thought.

He had lost count of the time since he appeared in this space. He even tried calling Siena's name but there was no reply.

"Shit.. I do~"

Before he could continue talking, he suddenly felt a force pulling him.

"It's the same force!" Nathan thought.

He could feel that it was the same force that brought him to this space.

His body suddenly started spinning and he saw a bright flash of light, making him close his eyes.

Nathan's eyes snapped open and the first thing he saw was the ceiling of his room.

"Nathan! Nathan! Are you there?" Siena asked.

"Yes, what happened?" Nathan asked curiously.

"I don't know… I suddenly lost consciousness," Siena replied.

"What the hell is going on?" Nathan thought.

The fact that he and Siena suddenly lost consciousness was definitely fishy.

"Where you in any kind of space?" Nathan asked.

"No, I just woke up," Siena replied.

Nathan told her about the space and the red clouds and lightning. He also told her how the lightning didn't touch him. He was hoping that she would know something about it.

"This doesn't ring a be~ Wait!!"

"What is it?!" Nathan asked.

He was surprised by Siena's abrupt pause.

"You said red clouds and lightning right?"

"Yes, do you know anything about it?" Nathan asked.

"The gate… the entrance gate of the royal castle has the symbol of a red cloud with red lightning striking down," Siena said.

"Royal castle?" Nathan asked.

He was also wondering if it was related to one of the quest he received.


[Find out the real cause of everything]

[Progress: Zero percent]

[Time limit: None]

[Reward: ??]

Nathan couldn't help but think that it was related to this quest.

"There's more to this," Siena said thoughtfully.

Nathan was about to reply but a wave of pain suddenly hit him.

He was about to pass out but he resisted.

Suddenly, memories started flooding his head. Memories that weren't his.