High rank gifted

Nathan could feel that he was in his body but he wasn't in control.

Suddenly he saw himself in the forest, battling two figures.

"Did all this happen while I was unconscious?"

What shocked him the most was the kind of strength he was exerting and the red aura that surrounded his body.

Finally, he saw the part where he killed the two figures effortlessly.

Nathan removed his hands from his head in shock.

"Th-they were both ultimate rank gifted," Nathan muttered.

"How did all this happen?" Siena was also shocked after seeing everything that happened.

Nathan was still digesting the memories that just flooded his head but he and Siena knew one thing.

There was something dangerous inside Nathan.

"It happened after those two people emanated that murderous aura," Siena said.

"Hmm…" Nathan was in deep thoughts. There was certainly a cause.

"I have to tread carefully," Nathan thought.


After wearing his uniform, Nathan left the dorm building but he could feel the connection he had with Lena strongly.

"She's close," Nathan muttered.

He started walking forward and he could feel the connection getting stronger with every step.

After some seconds, he saw Lena standing not too far from the dorm building with a panicked look on her face.

Immediately she saw Nathan, she dashed towards him.

"Are you okay?! What happened last night?! Where have you been?!" She bombarded Nathan with questions without even pausing.

After noticing that Nathan didn't answer, she realized that she asked too many questions.

She sighed and a calm look replaced the panicked look that was on her face before.

"Phew… you're okay,' Lena said.

"What happened?" Nathan asked.

He didn't see Lena in the memories he received but the way she was acting proved that she knew something happened last night.

"The connection….it was suddenly reacting last night and I knew something was wrong but as I was about to meet you, my body felt weak and I fell asleep," Lena explained.

"Now there's more mystery to this," Nathan thought.

"Nothing happened, I'm fine," Nathan said.

"Are yo~"

Lena was about to ask but she decided to stop. Nathan usually gets angry easily and she didn't want to annoy him.

"Alright," Lena said.

"They've really learnt how to not annoy you," Siena said.

"What do you mean?"

"Haven't you noticed it? Including Declan and Joey, they try their best to not annoy you," Siena said.

"Hmm.. that's a good thing. You should try to be like them," Nathan said.

"HUH?! What are you trying to say?!" Siena asked.

"You always take every little chance to annoy me. I think you should learn from them," Nathan said.

If there was one thing Siena was good at, it was teasing Nathan but the good side was that she also helped him train by giving him tips.

Lena wasn't able to hear them because they were communicating telepathically.

By the time he finished his conversation with Siena, he and Lena were already inside the building and they went to their separate classes.

He received the usual stares from the other students which he was already used.

He was handsome and he was also able to kill the rogue human in the barrier so admiration was expected.

While looking round the class, he saw Joey and Declan waving at him and he responded with a nod.

Nathan suddenly felt a pair of cold eyes glaring at him. He turned to the source and saw Evaine.

She was staring daggers at him as if she would kill him at any moment.

Nathan just ignored her and focused on Jagger who just entered the class.

The normal training style continued but there was a change. Some of the students were able to put up a fight before they got killed by the rogue human.

Even though they knew that they would be fine after battling the rogue human, they still didn't want to experience the pain so they trained harder and some of them were able to make skills while some were close to making.

Nathan remembered the feeling he got when he entered the barrier which he still didn't understand but he was sure of one thing.

The rogue human in the barrier isn't real.

After killing the rogue human, he didn't receive any points..heck…he didn't even receive a quest even though it was a rogue human.

That alone was proof that it wasn't real.

After classes, Nathan went back to his room to continue training.

The mannequins in the training space were now giving him trouble but it was a good thing because he now had to put more effort into killing them.

"Something has changed, right?" Siena asked after seeing the confused look on Nathan's face.

"Yes, it feels like it's being sucked out," Nathan replied.

He usually releases his ability energy into his room to be able to attract an elemental spirit and the energy stays for some time before dispersing but now there was a change.

Immediately he released his ability energy, he felt that it was being sucked out from the room.

"It means that you're close to attracting one. Elemental spirits don't come at once. They come steadily," Siena said.

"So I'll soon be getting an elemental spirit," Nathan thought.

What made him more amazed was that the skill he was trying to create would soon be completed.

He also found out that he's able use his skill creation method in the training space which was a good thing.

After entering the training space, Nathan summoned an earth shield. He put it on the ground and started reshaping the shield using his ability energy.

After some minutes, a pillar of earth was in front of Nathan. It had rough edges but it was tall.

Nathan had an amused expression on his face while looking at the system notification that appeared.

[Earth pillar: A pillar made of earth can be summoned from the ground to hit enemies]

[Cost: 7 ability energy to summon one pillar]

Nathan smiled while thinking of the many ways he could utilize the earth pillar skill.

"I'm now a high rank gifted," Nathan thought.

For now, he was ready to go to one of the areas on saturday.