Vina city and Zur city

The bus Nathan entered was the last to move. As soon as it drove out, the academy gate closed.

'It's just companies everywhere.' Nathan thought.

Both the left and right side of the road had only tall buildings that were made with glass.

Each building had a screen near it that displayed the name of the company.

'Most of them are weapon companies."

"Weapons is a main source of making 'money' so, its to be expected," Siena said.

The bus kept moving and Nathan continued seeing companies. At one point, he became bored but he suddenly saw something different....


The houses were neatly arranged and some even had gardens.

He could see people moving about, doing their daily activities.

Some men and women were holding different weapons with sweat on their faces, showing that they just came back from one of the areas or they were training.

He could also see children running about with smiling faces.

The city was bustling with cars that didn't make a sound as they passed and he could also see different stores that sold different things.

"Some of these people don't want to have anything to do with beasts," Siena said.

'Beasts are pretty scary. Not everyone has the boldness to face one,' Nathan said.

Some of them just preferred to sell normal things needed for daily life.

'The threat of the rogue humans is still active so, at one point, everyone...."

Nathan didn't complete his statement but Siena knew what he was talking about.

The weak humans are depending on the strong ones but anything can happen at anytime.

Nathan could see more places like the ASC building, training centers and orphanages.

Nathan wouldn't be surprised if the orphanages were filled up with children.

The other students in the bus were doing their own thing. The boy sitting beside Nathan was even sleeping with his mouth open.

After some time, they reached a gate that was closed. Two men wearing brown uniforms were standing beside the gate and immediately they saw 'Vina academy ' written on the bus, one of them pressed the button that was on the device he was holding.

The gates opened immediately and the bus drove out.

"We've left Vina city," Siena said.


Nathan looked around and saw two roads on the left and right side but the bus continued going forward.

Other than the roads, there was nothing but wasteland.

"Perhaps this place has not had its future plans decided." Nathan thought.

The journey continued for two more hours. Most of the students in the bus were already sleeping and only some managed to stay awake.

'This is Zur city?' Nathan thought.

With his enhanced eyesight, Nathan could see the brown tall walls of the city. There was no painting; it simply looked plain, giving it an ancient feel.

The wall was simply too tall for him to see inside the city.

Nathan looked toward the black gate with the words "Zur City" inscribed on it.

The words were glowing with a green light that greatly contrasted the plain look of the wall.

As the bus got closer to the gate, the students started waking up.

As soon as the gates opened, the bus drove in, revealing the full view of the city.

'It's bigger than Vina city.' Nathan thought.

He could easily tell with one look. The difference wasn't that much but Zur city was certainly bigger.

Lots of weapon companies were also in Zur city but what made Nathan surprised was the way the road was filled with cars.

After some time, they reached the gate of the academy. The bus drove in and parked in a corner where other Vina academy buses also parked.

All the students came out and a man approached them. He had black hair and he was wearing a black suit.

"Welcome to Zur academy, please follow me," the man said.

They all followed the man to one of the skyscrapers in the academy.

"The male students will stay in this building while the female students will stay in the next building," the man said.

"The lady there will direct you on what to do." He added.

A lady with brown hair was standing close to the next building and the female students moved towards her.

The man started giving the male students their room numbers one by one.

Dorm rooms were provided for the students of each academy and these two buildings were for Vina academy students.

The bus Nathan entered was the last to arrive so, some of the students were already inside.

"Room number 60," the man said to Nathan while raising the scanning device he was holding.

Nathan put his thumb on the device and it made a beeping sound.

After scanning, Nathan entered the building and went to room number 60.

He put his thumb on the small device close to the door handle and the door unlocked.

The door was just like the one Vina academy had so it was easy for Nathan.

'I'll look around for a bit.' Nathan thought while dropping his bag close to the bed.

He went outside and started walking around. It was still morning and the tournament is starting in the afternoon so, he still had some time left.

While he was walking, he saw Zur academy students with their brown uniforms.

The ASC building in the academy was closed and it was like that for some other buildings.

"I guess it's because of the tournament," Siena said.

"Everyone wants to watch it." Nathan said.

While he was walking, he began to think about how the tournament will be.

'Orion said there won't be much fighting.' Nathan thought.

He didn't dwell on it too much, moreover, it was just few hours from now so, he'll find eventually find out.

He continued walking and after some time, he saw the staff building.

Nathan thought of something immediately he saw the building.

'I'm very sure she's not a student but it's possible...'

'Staffs only' was displayed on the glass of the building so, Nathan couldn't enter inside.

He went back to the dorm building to prepare his things because the time for the tournament was approaching.