Five students


Hearing his name startled Nathan, but he was not the only one.

The other students were murmuring about the names they just heard.

"What the hell?! They chose those girls!"

"I'm stronger than that girl, why wasn't I chosen?!"

"This isn't right at all!"

Lena and Joey were chosen over some of the other students, which infuriated some of them because they were stronger. It was like a slap to the face.

When they heard Evaine's name, it didn't come as a surprise to them. It was the same for Nathan and Declan.

Nathan fought a strong opponent in the training matches and did not lose, and he also defeated a rogue human inside the barrier, so some of them were not surprised, while others were annoyed.

The fact that he was both handsome and strong sparked jealousy, and now that he will represent the academy in the upcoming tournament, the jealousy grows even more intense.

Though at the moment he was too preoccupied with his thoughts, Nathan could already feel the death stares being directed at him.


"These five students should come to my office." Orion said before dismissing all the students.

Stepping outside the hall, Nathan noticed Declan, Lena, and Joey. He could also see Evaine heading to the building where Orion's office is located.

"Hey, Nathan. We were just about to head to the principal's office," Declan said.

Nathan nodded his head in response and looked at Joey and Lena. He could see confusion written on their face.

'They're probably wondering why they were selected,' Nathan thought and he was correct.

They were stronger students in the academy but they were the ones that got chosen to represent the academy in the tournament so, they were really confused.

They all started walking towards the building to meet Orion.

After a minute, they got to the office and after knocking, Orion told them to come in.

Immediately the door opened, he saw Evaine sitting down on one of the chairs in the office.

After they all sat down, Orion started speaking.

"Like I previously stated, the five of you will represent this academy in the tournament."

"Why was I chosen to participate?" Nathan suddenly asked.

'So much confidence in his eyes.' Orion thought.

Orion looked at the rest of them and could see that Lena and Joey also wanted to know why they were chosen.

"The truth is that, strong students are needed if we want to win this tournament and in this case, the five of you are the strong students.


Nathan was already expecting that answer and to be honest, he didn't care about it anymore. He was just thinking of what he'll do when he gets to Zur academy.

Before they left his office, Orion told them some more details about the tournament including the date.

The tournament was going to be held two days from now and the students were going to be transported using buses.

The academy didn't want to use any kind of teleportation device because they wanted an enjoyable trip and moreover, Zur academy wasn't too far from Vina academy so, they were going to get there on time.

After leaving the office, Nathan went to Felix's shop to sell the atrocious Panthers.

"Eight thousand energy stones." Felix said after seeing the black Panthers.

'It would have been more than that.' Nathan thought.

When he was inside the portal, he had to drain the blood of some of them so, their numbers were reduced.

After collecting the energy stones, Nathan was about to leave the shop but Felix stopping him.

"Did you kill all these beasts alone?" He asked.

"Yes, why?"

"That's impressive," Felix said.

"Hm," Nathan said before leaving the shop. He entered his room and sat down on his bed.

"Two days, huh?"

"Though I don't really know why Lena and Joey were chosen," Nathan said.

"Hmm… I think its because of the rogue beasts that was killed in that cave," Siena said.

"It's possible."

With nothing else to do, Nathan continued his daily training.


Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

In those two days, Nathan just continued his training in the training space and he still continued releasing his ability energy in his room.

He could still always feel his ability energy getting sucked out from the room which was a sign of progress.

Sometimes, Billy popped up in his mind. He has not seen him in the academy since the day they fought.

As for Lena, she was now able to resist blood so, Nathan didn't really need to watch her all the time.

"Time to go."

Nathan carried his bag and walked towards the hall. According to Orion, the tournament didn't really involve much battle but they will be given weapons there.

Nathan just put his chest plate and his new sword inside Lena's space ring incase anything happens.

Lots of buses were lined up in front of the hall and the students were entering one by one.

Nathan stood at the back of the line and when his turn reached, he entered.

Immediately all the buses werere filled, they drove out.

Nathan didn't know the students beside him but that didn't matter.

'It's time see what's outside this academy.'


In a long hallway, a lady was walking towards the door at the end with a annoyed look on her face.

She had long black hair and there was a sword on her waist.

"What does that bastard want now?"

As she was getting closer to the door, she faked a smile and was about to knock but a voice was suddenly heard from inside the room.

"Come in."

She opened the door and entered the office.

A man with white hair was sitting on the chair while signing some documents.

"Good day, headmaster Verne," she said.

" are you?" Verne asked without removing his eyes from the documents.

"I'm fine, sir," the lady replied.

The man continued signing the documents for some seconds before he finally raised his head.

"Everything is prepared, right?"

"Yes, everything is in order," she replied.

"Good. You're the best teacher in this academy, so I expect you to make sure everything goes smoothly today, Flora."

"I understand, headmaster Verne," Flora said.