New sword

'Jagger might be in the class now.' Nathan thought. He remembered seeing Jagger in the class the last time he went to ask for his watch.

Nathan went to the ASC building first to return the teleportation orb before walking to the classroom.

He got to the class and could see some students about to come out.

"Nathan." Jagger called out.

"You want to see me?" He asked.

"Yes." Nathan replied before entering the class.

The other students already left so, only Nathan and Jagger were in the classroom.

"So, what is it?" Jagger asked.

Nathan told Jagger about the portal but he left some things out.

He just told him that he saw a portal appear in front of him and after some seconds, five rogue flame Lions came out from the portal.

He told him that he killed them but their bodies suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"Hmm... Portal... Nothing like that has been seen since the rogue humans appeared." Jagger said.

He looked at Nathan before asking.

"Is that all?"

"Yes, I just thought it'll be best to tell you," Nathan said.

"Yeah, thanks for the info. The academy will look into it," Jagger said.

Nathan nodded his head and left the classroom. At least they'll know about the portal so, there was no need to stay in the classroom anymore.

'The rogue humans... They're planning something," Jagger said with a frown on his face.


Nathan lied down on his bed and opened the system screen. It was time to check it out.

The system shop.

Siena told him that the shop unlocks at level 10 and now he's level 12 so he now had access.

The shop tab opened and Nathan could see four objects. A coin was under the objects with 'zero' written beside it.

"System coins. That's the currency used to buy weapons from the shop," Siena said.

"Artifacts are also in the shop but you can only get them by completing specific quests." She added.

"Wait...did you just say artifacts?!"

"Yes... artifacts can be gotten from the system shop."

The effects of artifacts are incredible and Nathan knew that getting one would be a good increase in strength.

"So how do I get this system coins?" Nathan asked.

"You can use energy stones and completing quests and killing beasts also give system coins." Siena replied.

Nathan understood the part about completing quests and killing beasts but the energy stones part made him curious.

"Does the system check its value and convert it to coins?" Nathan asked.

"Exactly...but the system coins will be lower than the energy stones," Siena said.

"What is the exchange rate?"

"10 energy stones is equal to 5 system coins." Siena replied.


Nathan picked up his bag that was beside him and opened it.

He looked inside and saw the energy stones he got from selling the golden furred gorillas and he also saw his phone which he hasn't even used since he got it.

"You told me it was needed," Nathan said while looking at the phone.

"It is," Siena said.

Nathan just ignored her and brought his 7500 energy stones out of the bag.

As soon as he held the energy stones, a system notification showed up.

[Do you want to convert 7500 energy stones to 3750 system coins?]

[Yes] [No]

Nathan tapped the 'yes' button and the energy stones suddenly disappeared.

The 'zero' beside the coins changed to '3750' and the coin's color changed from brown to gold.

Nathan looked at the four objects that were showing on the shop tab.

Axe, dagger, shield and short sword. These were the first four weapons that were in the shop tab.

Nathan looked at the weapons and saw their rank. The short sword was the only weapon that was rare rank. The rest were between lower rank and upper rank.

Nathan tapped the short sword to check its description .

[Rare rank Devil Viper short sword]

[A rare rank sword made from the heart of a deadly viper with a very potent venom]

[Special skills]

[Venomous blade: The skill can be activated when ability energy is imbued into the sword, coating it with a deadly venom]

[Fangstrike fury: After the skill is activated, the sword can elongate and move in the direction the user wishes]

"I guess I'll buy this," Nathan said.

He tried to check for other equipments but there was none.

Since his sword was broken after fighting the three tailed fox, he had to get a new one.

[Devil Viper short sword: 3000 coins]

The price was high but Nathan wasn't shocked. It was a rare rank weapon after all.

After purchasing the sword, a blue glow covered his hand and a short sword appeared.

The hilt of the sword was black and after looking at the blade, Nathan could tell that it was sharp.

Nathan didn't have time to admire his sword because he suddenly heard an announcement.

"All students should gather in the hall now!"

"What is it this time?"

After keeping his sword, Nathan went to the academy hall were almost all the students were already gathered.

After some time, Orion walked to the stage.

He cleared his throat and started talking, getting straight to the point.

"A tournament is going to be held and five participants are going to represent this great academy."

"Zur academy is going to host this tournament so, all of you are expected to start preparing for the journey."

Orion did not tell the students the reason for the tournament because it's meant to be hidden from them.

Excited looks could be seen on the faces of the students. The fact that they were going to leave the academy for a while was exciting and it wasn't like they were going to one of the areas.

'I might be able to find something out.' Nathan thought.

"The five participants that'll represent the academy are;

"Declan Vale."

"Evaine Compton."

"Lena Ash."

"Joey Northstar."


"Nathan Langley."
