New skills

"Wait...This place is collapsing!!!"

The whole space was trembling and the bricks from the ceiling started falling.

The hole where the three tailed fox came out from started glowing with a bright light.

The light was so bright that Nathan had to close his eyes for a moment and after some time, he opened them.

"I'm out!!"

Nathan looked around and he could see the grasses. He took in a deep breath and stood up from the floor.

He was standing in the exact same spot where he got sucked in by the portal.

"Ahh.. I couldn't take the bodies." Nathan sighed.

He was thinking of the money he would have made if he sold the fox's body.

"Hmm.. that's true but at least you have gained a lot," Siena said.

Nathan knew what Siena meant by 'alot' and he also couldn't wait to check his level.

'Should I report this?' Nathan thought.

This portal was definitely something new and maybe it was something the rogue humans were planning to use.

After giving it some thoughts, Nathan decided that he would tell Jagger. It might be a crucial information that was needed.

"Will you tell him everything?" Siena asked.

"No, I'll tell him in a way that it won't affect me." Nathan replied.

Even as he was talking, he had already formulated a way that he would tell Jagger.

Nathan opened the system screen and turned on the notifications.

System notifications suddenly flooded his vision and that alone was making a smile appear on his face.

Nathan looked around and didn't see any panther.

"Maybe the portal got them scared," Siena said.

Nathan nodded his head before speaking.

"Then I'll be able to check the notifications in peace," Nathan said.

He wanted to go back to his room first before he checked the notifications but since no beast was around him now, he decided to check them immediately.

[Calculating points]

[Congratulations, you are now level 7]

[Congratulations, you are now level 8]

[Congratulations, you are now level 9]

[Congratulations, you are.....]

The level up notifications kept coming till it finally stopped.

[Congratulations, you are now level 12]

[You have gained 18 stat points]

"Six levels, not bad at all," Nathan said.

"The points card helped alot." He added.

He looked at the next set of notifications that appeared.

[You have gained one earth element skills]

[Earth coating: You can coat objects with earth energy, making them more durable. You can also coat your body with it]

[Cost: Depends on the amount of earth energy you want to use]

'Hmm.. it has alot of uses.' Nathan thought.

His punch packed alot of power when using the earth fist skill but if he adds the earth coating skill, it would be more powerful.

[You have gained two fire element skills]

[Fire sword: A sword made of fire can be created]

[Cost: 2 ability energy for every second the skill is active]

Nathan was satisfied with the fire sword skill and he looked at the second one.

[Fire slash: Fire elemental energy is condensed on the host's sword and can be released in form of a slash]

The fire slash skill was similar to the earth slash but he was sure that it was just as strong.

"My fire element is now at the middle rank stage," Nathan said.

[Lightning Element unlocked]

[Wind Element unlocked]

"Haha, two new elements!" Nathan exclaimed.

Nathan hurriedly checked the skills he got from them.

[Lightning Element skills]

[Lightning bolt: Lightning surges from the hosts hands, striking with electrifying precision]

[Cost: 2 ability energy per bolt]

Nathan was amazed with the skill.

'This'll be a huge boost.'

[Lightning flash: Lightning gathers around the hosts legs, causing a huge increase in speed]

[Cost: 2 ability energy for every second the skill is active]

"Speed, huh?"

Nathan curiously wanted to know how fast he would become with this skill active.

[Wind Element skills]

[Wind barrier: A wind barrier can be formed to stop attacks]

[Cost: 3 ability energy for every second the skill is active]

"This was the skill the fox used," Nathan said.

[Wind drill: The host can create drills made of wind to attack]

[Cost: 2 ability energy per drill]

Nathan remembered that the fox used these same skills and they were pretty powerful.

He looked around and still couldn't see any beast in sight.

"I might as well assign my stat points."

Nathan decided to use only 8 out of his 18 stat points.

"I'll keep them in case of emergency," Nathan said.

"Hm..good choice," Siena said.

Nathan added 2 stat points each to strength, agility, defence and stamina, leaving him with 10 points.


[Name: Nathan Langley]

[Age: 17]

[Race: Vampire]

[Level: 12]

[Points: 150/10000]

[Health point: 85/85]

[Strength: 18]

[Agility: 19]

[Defence: 22]

[Stamina: 24]

[Ability Energy: 60/60]

[Blood Energy: 65/65]

Nathan stats increased but as soon as he saw the points needed to level up, a frown appeared on his face.

"Tch...Ten thousand points needed."

Nathan finished checking the system notifications but he wanted to try something before he would leave area 10.

[Fire accelerate]

[Lightning flash]

Lightning and fire suddenly gathered around Nathan's legs. He pressed his foot on the ground and then..


Nathan was like a meteorite as he ran with his full speed, causing his hair and cloak to flutter.

The force of his speed made the grasses to shake violently and with the lightning and fire surrounding his legs, he looked like a blue and orange beam.

After some seconds, Nathan stopped running and deactivated his skills.

The lightning flash skill really gave him a boost in speed.

Satisfied with the results, Nathan removed the teleportation orb from the space ring and pressed the button, leaving area 10.

Nathan opened his eyes and saw himself in his room.

"I achieved alot today," Nathan said while removing his cloak from his body.

"More than what you expected..but are you going now?" Siena asked.

"Yes... I'll have to tell him now." Nathan said.

After freshening up, Nathan opened his door. He was prepared to meet Jagger.