Killing the half-step rare rank rogue beast

"What a pain.." Orion sighed while looking at the load of papers on his table.

Being a principal came with alot of responsibilities and signing documents was just one of them.

Now that the tournament was drawing closer, he still had to select five students from the academy that will participate.

"That Zur bastard, he's becoming more confident since his academy is hosting the tournament," Orion said with a frown on his face.

'I'm not ev~'

Orion's thought was suddenly cut off when someone appeared in his office.

His eyes widened for a second before he stood up and lowered his head.

"Lady Celine."

Celine was dressed in a black suit jacket and matching trousers, with a white button-down shirt underneath.

She sat down on the chair and crossed her legs elegantly while looking at Orion with her blue eyes.

She closed her eyes for a second, giving way for a full view of her long eyelashes.

"Is everything prepared?" She asked.

"The only thing remaining is the selection of the five participants." Orion replied.

"Is it that hard?" Celine asked while staring at Orion with squinted eyes.

"N-N-No, I've already written down the names of two students that'll participate," Orion said.

The way Celine squinted her eyes made him nervous.

"What are their names?"

"Evaine Compton and Declan Vale." Orion replied.

Declan and Evaine were talented students in the academy and they also had powerful abilities so, Orion decided that they'll participate in the tournament.

After all, the tournament is to decide the new additions to the special unit and weak individuals weren't needed.

"You don't need to look for the remaining three students."

"Just put down the names of the students that defeated the rogue beast." Celine said.

"The tattooed gorilla?" Orion asked.

Celine suddenly glared at him as if saying "isn't that obvious"

Orion gulped before quickly writing down their names.

Nathan Langley, Joey Northstar and Lena Ash.

The names of the five students were now written down.

"It'll be best if you announce it to all the students soon and prepare the necessary things needed to go to Zur academy," Celine said.

"I will do that immediately," Orion said.

Celine stood up from the chair and glanced at Orion.

He suddenly felt a deadly aura coming from Celine and before he knew it, he started sweating.

"You're still on my side, right?" Celine muttered. Her voice was low but Orion could hear what she said loud and clear.

"Of course, lady Celine. I'll always be on your side," Orion replied.

"I hope so," Celine said before she disappeared from the room.

As soon as she left, a look of fear appeared on Orion's face.

"This isn't going well anymore." He muttered.


Nathan took his stance, ready to strike the Fox in front of him.


Nathan and the Fox moved at the same time and then....


They were both pushed back from their clash but Nathan used the chance to attack again.

He imbued ability energy into his sword and swung it, letting out a rainbow colored energy slash.


The fox quickly moved to the left, avoiding the slash. It dashed towards Nathan and swung its claws but Nathan was ready with his earth shield.

Suddenly, the fox started levitating in the air. It moved higher and after getting to a certain level, it stopped.

'Is it trying to create distance?' Nathan thought.

"Maybe the Fox has realized that it won't be able to win in close range," Siena said.

The fox started swinging its claws, creating fast wind blades that moved towards Nathan.

'Those blades are sharp.'

Clanging sounds were made as Nathan deflected the wind blades with his sword.

Nathan gathered energy in his legs and suddenly leaped up.

He was able to reach the fox but it already changed position after seeing Nathan.

'This won't work. I'll have to try another method.' Nathan thought.

Nathan was about to attack again but the tattoos on the fox's body started glowing with a green light including its eyes.

After seeing the glow, Nathan knew that the fox was about to use a dangerous skill and that was what really happened.

Nathan suddenly felt a wave coming towards him. The wind moved towards him with incredible speed and he had to summon an earth wall.

What made the wind dangerous was the kind of force it carried and the wind was also sharp.


The earth shield shattered from the force and Nathan had to use the skill of his chest plate.

After channeling his ability energy, a blue barrier surrounded him but suddenly....


The barrier also shattered leaving Nathan to defend himself with his sword.

'I knew this skill will be powerful!!"

Nathan was thrown off the floor and landed some distance away from the Fox.

Little cuts were on his body because of the skill. He knew that it would have been worse than this if the earth wall and the barrier didn't reduce the force.

'There must be something...think.. think.'

Nathan looked at the fox that was ready to open its mouth to generate wind drills and he suddenly thought of something.

'It didn't move on time when I leaped to attack it....that means...."

"Its slower when its not on the floor," Siena said, completing Nathan's thought.

'This might work.'

The fox sent wind drills towards Nathan while it was still in the air.

Nathan dashed forward while deflecting the drills and after getting closer, he made an abrupt stop.

He slammed his right foot on the floor and a pillar of earth was suddenly raised underneath him.

This was the first time Nathan was using the skill since he got it.

He activated the earth pillar skill directly underneath him and using the length of the pillar, he got closer to the fox.

'Tch...not enough.'

Nathan pressed his foot on the pillar and using it as a foothold, he blasted himself towards the fox.

Shock could be seen in the fox's eyes. It never expected the person in front of him to reach him this fast.

Since Nathan's sword was broken after using it to defend himself, he had to use one of his skills.

He touched the head of the fox that was still shocked and then he activated his skill.

"Blood orb." Nathan muttered and then...


In an instant, the fox's head exploded into pieces. It died on the spot.


Nathan fell on the floor with a smile on his face. He killed a half-step rare rank beast all by himself and it was even a rogue beast.

The smile suddenly left Nathan's face as the floor started shaking, the walls were also shaking but the worst thing was that the bricks from the ceiling started falling.

"Wait...This place is collapsing!!!"