Three Tailed Fox

Nathan stood in the middle of the huge space with his sword in his hands.

There was no single beast around him and the only proof that he killed them was the blood that was dripping from his sword.

Little claw marks were on his body from the attack of some of the beasts that got to him.

'How are they so many?' Nathan thought while looking at the marks that were already healing.

The battle would have ended sooner but as he kept killing the beasts, more were coming. It was as if there was an unlimited source.

At one point when he was killing them, he found out from Siena that he could turn off the system notifications because it kept distracting him. So, he turned it off.

One of the things that gave him an advantage over the beasts was his...


As a vampire, Nathan's stamina was top notch and even though the beasts were much, he kept killing them without getting tired.

"So, what next?" Siena asked.

"I have no other choice. I'll go there." Nathan said while looking at the hole.

Since the wall didn't show any sign of breaking even after Nathan punched it hardly, the only thing he could do now was to enter the hole.

Nathan sighed before bringing out one of the panther's body from his space ring.

He stabbed it with his claws and started draining its blood.

He wasn't in need of blood but he had to take it to face whatever he would meet.

'If I'm correct, upper rank beasts will be down there.' Nathan thought.

The first place had lower rank beasts and the highest rank of beasts he saw here was half-step upper rank so, it was possible that the next place will have upper rank beasts.

After draining the panther's blood, Nathan walked towards the hole without any beast coming out again.

He passed through the hole and the same thing that happened last time, happened again.

He started falling down without anything to hold. The only thing he saw was darkness when he looked down.

After some time, he saw the flo~ oh sorry, ceiling. Nathan's body passed through the gap that the ceiling left after dividing.

"Uh.. it's the same," Nathan said after landing on the floor.

The same brick walls, floor and ceiling. The wall at the distance also had a hole on it.

Nathan prepared to face the beasts that would come out from the hole but even after waiting for some minutes, nothing came out.

"There's no be~"

Nathan was cut short when he heard footsteps.

He concentrated on the sound and found out that it was coming from the hole.

There was no rumbling or roars to show that lots of beasts were coming, instead, it was just footsteps that signified that only one creature was coming.

In the silent space that Nathan was, the only sound that could be heard were the footsteps.

He waited patiently to see what would come out from the hole and came out.

Fluffy green fur, a slender body, green-colored eyes that could instill fear with large pointed ears.

Its claws were sharp to the point that it looked like it could cut through metal.

Its teeth were also sharp and menacing. Without anyone saying it, one could tell that one bite with its teeth will surely be deadly.

The most noticable thing about the creature was its three green fluffy tails and tattoos.

Its tails were swaying as the creature walked elegantly.

Nathan has heard of the creature in front of him but seeing it in person made him believe its elegance.

"So this is the three tailed fox." Nathan muttered.

The only difference between this fox and the one he heard about was the tattoos on its body.

Nathan didn't know but this was the fox named Tar that the rogue human and the lady with white hair were talking about.

Half-step rare rank: Three tailed fox.

Nathan's watch displayed the rank of the beast in front of him.

'This won't be easy.' Nathan thought.

The fox wasn't too big. Nathan was even taller than it but that did not mean it wasn't dangerous.

Nathan and the fox stared at each other for some time and then suddenly....


The fox leaped with immense speed and swung its claws.

"S-Such speed."

The kind of speed the fox showed could rival that of Nathan.


Nathan deflected the claws with his sword, causing sparks to fly.

"What is....?"

Nathan expected the Fox to fall back to the floor after leaping but something else happened.

The fox stayed in the air and continued swinging its claws.

"It's a skill," Siena said.

The clanging sounds continued as Nathan deflected the claws.

After some seconds, the Fox fell back to the floor. Nathan took the chance and swung his sword but the fox leaped back quickly.

'Its fast.'

Nathan and the fox started the staring contest again but this time, Nathan attacked first.

He dashed towards the fox with his sword in front of him.

Seeing Nathan approaching, the fox opened its mouth and suddenly, the wind started spinning, taking the shape of a drill.

The almost invincible drill moved towards Nathan, with more following behind it.

Nathan's enhanced senses made him able to see the wind drills that was heading towards him.


With his sword, Nathan deflected all the drills while moving towards the fox at the same time.

'So it uses wind, huh?'

The fox was already fast but with the addition of wind, it could become even faster.

Nathan reached the fox and swiftly swung his sword.

He didn't want to use any of his skills yet because he wanted to see how well he could fare with only his physical abilities.

Nathan's eyes widened in shock. His sword couldn't reach the fox because it was suddenly stopped.

'A wind barrier!'

Nathan could see the force of the wind pushing his sword back.

With its incredible speed, the fox moved to Nathan's right side and attacked but Nathan was also able to defend himself.

[Earth wall]

An earth wall rose beside Nathan, stopping the fox's claw.

They both leaped back and stared at each other.

Nathan took his stance while the fox readied its claws.

Everywhere was silent as Nathan and the fox watched each other, waiting for their opponents move.

The real battle was about to begin.