It's time.. time to destroy the humans

With a serious look on his face, Nathan passed through the hole.

"Wait…what?! I'm falling!!"

Nathan could feel his body going down with incredible speed. He moved his hands to see if there was anything he could hold but there was none.

'Shit, I can't even see the floor.' Nathan thought.

"This'll be a pretty long fall," Siena said.

Nathan continued falling for some seconds before he could finally see the floor.

"It's the sa~ Huh?!"

The floor suddenly started moving. It split into two with a huge gap in the middle.

Nathan's body passed through the space and he landed on the floor some seconds later.

'So it was the ceiling.' Nathan thought while looking up.

He could see the ceiling coming back together after he passed.

He looked around and saw that the walls were made of brown bricks, including the floor.

"Isn't this the same place?" Siena curiously asked.

"It sure looks like it." Nathan replied.

He could still see a huge hole on the wall in the distance.

Nathan could already guess that beasts will come out from the hole and that was exactly what happened.

Lion-like beasts with red skin and flames surrounding their bodies came out from the hole.

They weren't as big as the atrocious Panthers but their menacing red eyes and the tattoos on their bodies were still scary.

As soon as they dashed towards Nathan, his watch showed their rank.

Middle rank flame Lions.

Nathan could see fifteen of them heading towards him with their mouths wide open.

Fireballs came out from their mouths and moved towards Nathan.


Nathan skillfully evaded all the fireballs. He moved from left to right while evading them.

He leaped above the last fireball and landed directly in front of the flame Lions.

"My turn."

With precision, Nathan slashed his sword, removing the first lion's head from its neck.


The other flame Lions roared in anger. The intensity of the flames on their bodies increased.

They started surrounding Nathan, trapping him in the middle.

Nathan smirked while looking at the flame Lions.

"They really think you're dead meat now," Siena said.

She wasn't wrong though. The flame lions were now confident that they could kill the person in front of them.

They all leaped towards Nathan at the same time with their claws outstretched.

Before they could reach Nathan, four earth walls appeared around him, stopping their advancement.

The collision created a dust cloud but as soon as it went down, the lions were nowhere to be found.

Nathan killed them before they even realized it.

"I guess I'll go there," Nathan said while looking at the hole on the wall.

He knew that breaking the wall wasn't an option because he tried it before and it didn't even show any sign of cracking.

He started walking towards the hole and he could see more and more flame lions coming out.

'Are they teleporting through a means?' Nathan thought.

Since the hole led downwards without any foothold, he was wondering how the beasts were coming.

Their bodies disappear after dying, so teleportation was the only reasonable theory he could come up with.

Nathan stopped to look at the sight before him. Numerous flame lions were running towards him.

Even with their numbers, he could still see more coming out from the hole.

Nathan watched as they got closer and his watch even beeped.

Lower rank Earth Bears.

Middle rank flame Lions.

Half-step upper rank flame Lions.

Nathan could see Earth Bears among the Lions and some of the Lions were half-step upper rank.

"It's time."

Without the slightest hint of fear, Nathan charged towards the beasts.

With his black cloak and his blue hair fluttering, he looked like a warrior who was going into battle alone.

As Nathan grew closer, he swung his sword, letting out a brown-coloured slash that instantly killed the Earth Bears in front of him.


Nathan took a big leap that made all the beasts look up.

[Blood spike]


[Earth spike]

Nathan activated three of his skills and immediately sent them raining down towards the beasts.

Some of them weren't able to move on time and they got impaled by the spikes.

Nathan landed in the middle of all the beasts and took his stance.

Immediately he landed, they all rushed towards him.

"Come at me, beasts," Nathan said with a smirk on his face.


In a large throne room, a lady was sitting on the throne with a rogue human bowing in front of her.

She had long beautiful pure white hair and a beautiful face. The white robe she was wearing seemed to further elevate her beauty.

She was staring at the walls of her throne room that had beautiful blue glowing stones embedded into it.

"Son, Is the human dead?" She asked with her gaze still on the wall.

Her voice was soft and calm but it still carried a sense of authority.

"No, mother. He seems to be strong." The rogue human replied.

'Hmm.. to be able to defeat such amount of beasts, that's incredible.' The lady thought.

"What do you think?" She asked.

"I think we should continue watching him for now. He hasn't met Tar yet, so we can't judge now," the rogue human said in a respectful manner.

"That's true, Tar is a strong fox and her speed is superb. If he can defeat her, that means he's also strong," the lady said.

"Something has been bothering me, mother," the rogue human said.

The lady nodded her head for him to speak.

"The boy seems to be around 17 years old. If he can defeat Tar, then that means the younger generation of humans are getting stronger," the rouge human said.

"So what do you suggest?" She asked.

"Don't you think it's time to attack?"

The lady's golden eyes squinted for a moment before speaking.

"I've been thinking about that for a while now. We've raised our forces enough." She said.

"Yes, mother. Our forces are strong enough," the rogue human said.

She averted her gaze from the wall and looked at her son.

"Start the preparations. It's time.. time to destroy the humans."