Flora's tears.

As soon as Nathan and the rest appeared, all eyes were on them.

Everyone was just silent but suddenly, the students started cheering.

They all saw the battle, so, Nathan knew why they were cheering.

The man who usually gave the announcements came to the ring.

"All the participants are now in the ring. Due to some certain issues, the second part of the tournament won't be held, so, this marks the end of the tournament." He announced.

'What issues?' Nathan thought but suddenly he realized something.

'They saw us battling those two but why didn't they come?'

Nathan was curious and he could come to only one conclusion.

'Something happened here." Nathan thought.

The other participants were confused because the crowd was cheering for Vina academy participants.

"They arrived last, so, why are they cheering for them?"

"Not only that, everyones concentration seems to be on them."