Special unit

"Mom is… dead."

Those words hit Nathan like a bomb.

Mom? Dead? No, it can't be!'

Nathan couldn't think straight anymore. Million thoughts were going through his mind.

A single line of tears left his eye as he just stared at the wall.

'Huh!? Tears? W-Why am I crying?'

Flora was also crying while Lucy was patting her back.

Mom is… dead; those words kept repeating in his head as if a thousand people were saying it at the same time.

Flora parted her lips to say something but she couldn't. After some seconds, she finally mustered the strength to talk.

"I-Its my fault. If I didn't let her fight for me then maybe… she would have still been alive," Flora said.

Another round of silence ensued again before Nathan spoke.

"No, don't say that," Nathan said before standing up.

He walked towards the door and opened it.

"Uhm…where are you going?" Flora asked.