Billy's death & New skills

"Who ordered you to kill me?"

Immediately Billy heard that question, his eyes widened.

Seeing that Billy was still silent, Nathan looked at him coldly.

Billy shivered after seeing Nathan's stare, he felt like Nathan was staring directly into his soul.

"Like I said, I'll only ask you once, so…. answer me," Nathan said.

Fear gripped Billy's heart and he started stammering.

He was trying to produce words but he couldn't because of the fear.

Nathan was about to speak again but a system screen suddenly appeared in front of him.

[You have unlocked a new vampiric skill: Vampiric eyes]

'How did I unlock a skill?' Nathan thought.

He remembered Siena telling him that this was the skill she used to find out that Sara was originally a cat.

He hasn't completed the system quest so it can't be a reward from the quest.

"Your actions unlocked the skill," Siena suddenly said.