
Nathan suddenly remembered that Orion told them about the closing ceremony that would take place tomorrow.

A graduation ceremony was usually heard for students leaving the academy but since all academies are shutting down, a closing ceremony will be held.

It's compulsory for all students, so, Nathan will have to attend.

"Tch.. I'll think of that later," Nathan said. The hidden reward was the only thing on his mind right now.

He opened the system screen and checked what he got from the hidden reward.

[Hidden reward: Inventory]

It was a new system function, so, Nathan checked it out.

[Inventory: A system function that allows the host to store items in a space that can be accessed anytime]

[Slots: 0/10]

"Wait…I now have something like a space ring?"

"Hmm…it's something like that. Anything stored inside the inventory will stay like that." Siena replied.

"Living things can't be stored inside." She added.