Another Blood Oath.

Shock was evident on Evaine's face. Her eyes were wide open and she just stood in one spot.

She was slowly opening her mouth but no word could come out.

"W-What is going on here?" She finally managed to ask.

Joey and Declan were about to say something but in an instant, Nathan appeared behind Evaine and hit the back of her neck, making her unconscious.

Nathan caught her body and positioned her near the tree.

"It's better like this for now," Nathan said while diverting his attention back to Lena.

From the way Evaine acted, Nathan was sure that she saw everything.

"When will she regain consciousness?" Declan asked.

"I don't know." Nathan replied.

Joey held Lena's hands and asked again.

"Lena, can you remember what happened?"

Lena had stopped shaking and her breathing was now stable, so, she was able to reply.

Lena gulped before answering.

"H-he tried to touch me." Lena replied while pointing at the boy.