Elemental spirit

For some time now, Nathan knew that he'll soon attract an Elemental spirit.

When he started the process, his ability energy lingered in the room before dissipating.

Then, after some time, he noticed that his ability energy was being sucked out from the room and now…

"It's the Earth Elemental spirit," Siena said.


Nathan's ability energy started spinning rapidly in the middle of the room and in an instant, it was absorbed by the Elemental spirit.

Even though Nathan's eyes were closed, he could completely see the body of the Elemental spirit.

'A bear…?'

The Elemental spirit was a little brown Bear that was about the size of a ping-pong ball. The Bear was levitating in the air and looking around the room.

"Elemental spirits come in different forms but they are all small in size, this one just happens to be a Bear," Siena said.

"Oh, so, an elemental spirit's form can be a smaller version of a human."