Journey to the special unit base.


Nathan and the other four sat comfortably in the oval wind as it started moving.

"Hmm, the sit is comfy," Joey said.

"Ah, this is much more better than a car," Declan said.

They kept talking about how awesome the Oval Wind was, making Nathan confused.

"You guys entered an Oval Wind in Zur academy, so, why are you guys acting as if you're just seeing it for the first time?" Nathan asked.

He was sure that they entered an Oval Wind in Zur academy.

"Huh? This is my first time seeing this," Declan said.

Joey and Lena nodded their heads in agreement.

'Then those Oval Winds' weren't going to carry them.' Nathan thought.

He remembered that the other people in the meeting room looked like important people.

"I guess they were the ones the Oval Winds' came for.' Nathan thought.

There was silence for some seconds before Lena asked.

"How do you think the special unit will be?" Lena asked.