"It's Time For Battle."


Oblivious to what was happening right now, Ken and Nathan were still having their conversation.

"There's something I want to know though," Nathan suddenly said.

"What is it?"

"Oh, two things actually," Nathan said as he remembered something.


"What's your ability?" Nathan asked.

That was one thing he was really curious about and now, he was going to receive an answer.

"Haha, I knew you would ask that." Ken laughed.

He folded his arms before answering.

"Ability Energy Manipulation."

'Hmm... I've never heard of it.' Nathan thought.

"I can internally control the raw form of Ability Energy, boosting my physical abilities in the process." Ken continued.

"I see..but what about that last attack?"

Nathan was talking about the last attack Ken used to defeat him in the training.

A grin appeared on Ken's face immediately Nathan asked that question.