"All individuals in any of the Areas should return back immediately!!"

This announcement was heard by every individual in different Areas through the Teleportation Orbs that they had.

"What is going on?"

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Aghh...why now?"

Confusion was present because of the announcement. Some even got injured by the beasts they were fighting due to the moment of distraction.

The announcement sounded serious, so without wasting time, they started returning back to the Areas.

"Ahh, that's done. Now, for the other announcement." Verne muttered as he dropped the circular device he was holding on the table.

He walked out of the room and closed the door with a destination in mind.

Zur Academy is huge, so he had to take an Oval Wind to his destination.

In a matter of minutes, the Oval Wind arrived in front of a building and Verne came down.