Reactions After The Battle & Sara.

"First Victory Against The Rogue Human." That was the trending news in the Stronghold now.

In all the cities in the Stronghold, there were smiling faces, excited laughs and joyous expressions. It was to be expected, after all, Unit 1 just defeated the Rogue Humans in Area 12.

The tension in the air was lifted and people could now talk freely. It was as if the battle made them shut their mouths before.

With this win, the citizens of the Stronghold now had more confidence in the Units.

They had more confidence that the Units will protect them from the Rogue Humans.

Right now, different news channels were bustling, with the battle against the Rouge Humans as the main topic.

The recap of the battle was even displayed on the screens as the news was going on.

Some 'influential' individuals were invited to the newsroom to give 'reviews' on the battle that took place.